Y'mhob rhyw drallod blin y b'wyf
Ym mhob rhyw drallod blin y b'wyf
Yn mhob rhyw drallod blin y b'wyf

1,2,(3,4),5;  1,3,(2),4,5.
(Yr Ysgrythyr Lân)
Y'mhob rhyw drallod blin y b'wyf,
Ehedeg at fy Nuw yr wyf;
  Dim gobaith mewn un lle nis cair,
  Ond yn ei 'sgrifenedig air.

Hwn yw y gair, o gariad mawr,
O'r nef anfonwyd ini lawr;
  JEHOFAH ddengys yma i maes
  Beth all ei hollalluog ras.

Yn llyfr gras fy nefol Dad
'Rwy'n cael i'm blinder esmwythad;
  Gwel'd 'rwy', 'mhob dalen ynddo 'mron,
  Wyneb a llais
     fy Mhrynwr llon.

Hwn yw dadguddiad Duw ei hun,
Uwch rheswm dall,
    a synwyr dyn;
  F'arweinydd i'r wlad nefol fry,
  Trwy'r byd,
      y glyn wylofus du.

O boed i'th air, alluog Dduw,
Gyfeirio 'nhraed tra fyddwyf byw,
  Rhag troi o'r brif-ffordd
      ddedwydd fwyn,
  Ar dy ddeheulaw sydd i'm dwyn.
nis cair :: ni chair
tra fyddwyf :: tra byddwyf

efel. Casgliad Morris Davies 1835

Tonau [MH 8888]:
New Sabbath (Isaac Smith 1734-1805)
Truro (Psalmodia Evangelica 1789)

gwelir: O boed i'th air alluog Dduw

(The Holy Scripture)
In every kind of wearying trouble I am,
Flying to my God I am;
  No hope in any place is to be had,
  But in his written word.

He is the word, from great love,
From heaven sent to us below;
  JEHOVAH shows here openly
  What his almighty grace can do.

In the gracious book of my heavenly Father
I am getting for my weariness calm;
  Seeing I am, in every page almost,
  The face and voice
      of my cheerful Redeemer.

He is the revelation of God himself,
Above the understanding of reason,
    and human sense;
  My leader to the heavenly land above,
  Through the world,
      the black, mournful vale.

O let thy word, mighty God,
Direct my feet while I live,
  From turning from the dear,
     happy main-road,
  On thy right hand which leads me.

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

(The power of the gospel)

This is the word of truth and love,
Sent to the nations from above;
  Jehovah here resolves to show
  What his almighty grace can do.

This remedy did wisdom find
To heal diseases of the mind;
  This sovereign balm,
    whose virtues can
  Restore the ruined creature, man.

The gospel bids the dead revive,
Sinners obey the voice, and live;
  Dry bones are raised
      and clothed afresh,
  And hearts of stone
      are turned to flesh.

May but this grace my soul renew,
Let sinners gaze and hate me too!
The word that saves me
    does engage
A sure defence from all their rage.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [MH 8888]:
Burton (Isaac B Woodbury 1819-58)
Ellenthorpe Francis Linley 1771-1800)
  Fall Hill (Hastings)
Medway (Giovanni B Pergolesi 1710–36)
Rockingham (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

Tunes [MHD 8888D]:
  Stevenson (Stevenson)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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