Y nefoedd a'r ffurafen faith

Y nefoedd a'r ffurafen faith,
Y'nt, Arglwydd Dduw, dy ryfedd waith!
  A dadgan maent d'ogoniant mawr,
  Bob nos a dydd,
      bob mynyd awr.

Yr wybren las a'i dysclaer lu,
Yn amgylchynu'r ddaear ddu,
  A draethant dros y tir a'r môr,
  Anrhydedd eu hanfeidrol Iôr.

Yr haulwen dêg oleua'n da'r,
Y lles i'r byd ei gwres a bar;
  Y lloer a'r ser diryf y nos
  A barant addysg yn mhob o's.

Hyfforddiant ddyn, clodforant Dduw,
A'u llais yn glau pob llwyth a glyw,
  Gan dd'weyd o gylch y dda'r o hyd,
  Mor fawr y Bod a wnaeth y byd.
barant :: rhoddant

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Green's Hundred (<1845)
Portugal (Thomas Thorley)

The heavens and the vast firmament,
Are, Lord God, thy wondrous work!
  And declare they do thy great glory,
  Every night and day,
      every minute of an hour.

The blue sky and its shining host,
Surrounding the black earth,
  Expound across the land and the sea,
  The honour of their immeasurable Lord.

The fair sun lightens our earth,
The benefit to the world his warmth causes;
  The moon and innumerable stars of the night
  Cause education in every age.

They instruct man, they praise God,
And their voice surely every tribe hears,
  By telling around the extent of the earth,
  How great the Being who made the world.
cause :: give

tr. 2013,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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