Y noswaith drom bradychwyd Crist, Er maint ei boenau i gyd, Ordeiniodd wledd i'r eglwys fawr, A bâr hyd ddiwedd byd. O cofiwn air yr Iesu mawr, Y gair a dd'wedodd E' - "Gwnewch hyn er cof am danaf fi Fu farw yn eich lle." Ni awn fel hyn yn ngwres y nef, Fel un lliosog lu, Trwy demtasiynau fwy na rhif, I mewn i'r nefoedd fry. 'N ôl teimlo archoll llawer saeth A phrofedigaeth gref, A dioddef gwres y dydd a'i bwys, Cawn orffwys yn y nef.
Parch. Thomas Williams, Bethesda, Morganwg.
1-2: Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen a Jones) 1868
Tonau [MC 8686]:
gwelir: |
The heavy night Christ was betrayed, Despite the extent of all his pains, He ordained a feast for the great church, To continue until the end of the world. Oh let us remember the word of great Jesus, The word He spoke - "Do this in remembrance of me Who died in your place." We go on like this in the warmth of heaven, Like one multitudinous host, Through temptations more than number, Into heaven above. After feeling the wounds of many an arrow, And strong testing, And suffering the heat of the day and its weight, We will get to rest in heaven. tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |