Y rhai sy'n hau mewn galar blîn

(Rhagoriaeth boddlonwrydd a grwgnachrwydd)
Y rhai sy'n hau mewn galar blîn
  Ca'nt yfed gwîn gogoniant;
Dedwyddwch llawn, gorphwysdra clŷd,
  Mewn nefol fyd a feddant.

Y rhai'n annuwiol sydd yn awr
  A brofant fawr gyfnewid:
Heb râs i flaenu bythol fraw,
  Gauafant draw mewn gofid.

Mae meddwl boddlawn yn y byd
  Yn iechyd ran fynychaf;
Ond meddwl cul, grwgnachus câs,
  I anian grâs sy groesaf.

Dymunaf râs yno i'm dàl
  Rhag pob anwadal nwydau;
Boed imi'r peth o dan y sêr
  A welo Nêr yn orau.

Ei air sy'n llugorn i'm gwellâu,
  Rhag syrthio'n llwybrau tristwch;
Dangosir ynddo ef i'r gwael
  Y ffordd i gael diogelwch.
Caniadau Duwiol i Ieuenctid Cymru 1815

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Erfyniaf ras y nef i'm dal

(Excellence, satisfaction and grumbling.)
Those who are sowing in grievous mourning
  Shall get to drink the wine of glory;
Full happiness, secure rest,
  In a heavenly world they shall possess.

Those who are now ungodly
  Shall experience a great change:
Without grace to outrun eternal terror,
  They shall finish yonder in grief.

A satisfied mind in the world is
  A healthy portion I would insist on;
But a narrow, resentful, hateful mind,
  To a nature of grace is contrary.

I would wish for grace there to hold me
  Against all fickle lusts;
Let me have the thing under the stars
  My Master sees as best!

His word is a lamp to save me,
  From falling into paths of sadness;
To be shown in him to the poor is
  The way to get safety.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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