Y rhyfel o'n hochr ni sydd

(Y Drindod ogoneddus yn wrthddrych clodforedd)
Y rhyfel o'n hochr ni sydd,
  Er cymmaint ein tuchan
      a'n cŵyn;
Daw concwest
    i'r gwannaf ei ffydd,
  Trwy waed yr Immanuel mwyn;
Mae hefyd y'nghartre' fy Nâf,
  Afonydd o laeth ac o fêl,
Tu ag yno trwy gymhorth yr âf,
  A deued hi fel ag y dêl.

Mae yno Dri Pherson yn bôd,
  Ac etto mewn sylwedd ond Un,
Gogyfuwch mewn gallu a chlod,
  I wared plant
      Adda'n gytun;
Yn hyn rhyw ddyfnderoedd y sydd,
  Diwaelod, anfeidrol o faint,
Er hynny eu credu
    trwy ffydd,
  Yw cysur a
      sylfaen y saint.

'Does mesur amseroedd byth frŷ,
  Dim oriau cyffelyb i'r hyd;
Myn'd heibio rhyw oesoedd y sŷ,
  Wrth ganu i'r Drindod ynghyd:
'R anrhydedd, a'r gallu, a'r clôd,
  A'r parch, a'r gogoniant,
      a'r bri,
Yr awr'on ac felly bu erioed,
  I'n Harglwydd yn Un ac yn Dri.

Angylion, seraphiaid, a saint,
  Wrth ganu'n soniarus ynghyd:
Eu hadsain fydd gyfuwch ei faint,
  Nes dadsain holl nefoedd i gyd;
Neb yno yn glaear ei gân,
  Na neb yn addoli mewn rhîth
Eu c'lonnau yn llosgi fel tân,
  A gwynfyd a fa'i yn eu plith.

Pan gofiont eu dyddiau yn y hyd
  A'r amryw dymhestloedd o'r blaen,
Fe ennyna eu hysprydoedd hwy i gyd,
  Yn fflammau angherddol o dân;
Gwel'd Iesu
    er cymmaint eu bai.
  Yn eu codi o bydew mor ddu,
Ni's gall eu calonnau hwy lai
  Na seinio'r Jerusalem frŷ.
William Williams 1717-91
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805

Tôn [MHD 8888D]: Luther's (Gesangbuch Klug 1535)

  Angylion seraphiaid a saint
  'Does mesur amseroedd byth fry
  Mae'r lle sancteiddiolaf yn rhydd
  Pwy welaf o Edom yn dod
  Y goleuni sy'n ninas ein Duw

(The glorious Trinity as an object of praise)
The war is on our side,
  Despite the amount of our grumbling
      and our complaining;
The victory will come
    to the weakest of faith,
  Through the blood of the meek Immanuel;
There are also in the home of my Master,
  Rivers of milk and of honey,
Towards there through help I will go,
  And let it come as it may come.

There there are Three Persons being,
  And yet in substance but One,
Equally high in power and praise,
  To deliver the children
      of Adam in agreement;
These are some depths which are,
  Bottomless, immeasurable in extent,
Nevertheless to believe
    in them through faith,
  Is the comfort and
      foundation of the saints.

There is no measure of times ever above,
  No hours comparable to the length;
To pass some ages there are,
  By singing to the Trinity together:
The honour, and the might, and the praise,
  And the reverence, and the glory,
      and the esteem,
Now and as it ever was,
  To our Lord as One and as Three.

Angels, seraphim, and saints,
  Singing loudly together:
Their resonance as great as their extent,
  Until all the heavens resound together;
No-one there with an empty song,
  Not anyone worshipping in mere appearance
Their hearts burning like fire,
  And happiness and fa'i amongst them.

When they remember their days in the world,
  And the various tempests from before,
All their spirits will kindle,
  Into intense flames of fire;
To see Jesus
    despite the greatness of their fault.
  Lifting them from the pit so black,
Their hearts cannot do less
  Than sound the Jerusalem above.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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