Y sawl sy(dd) deilwng gwyn ei fyd

(SALM 32 - Maddeuant pechod)
Y sawl sy deilwng, gwyn ei fyd,
  Drwy fadde'i gyd
      ei drosedd;
Ac y cysgodwyd ei holl fai,
  Ei bechod, a'i anwiredd.

A'r dyn â gwynfyd Duw
    a'i llwydd,
  Ni chyfri'r Arglwydd iddo,
Mo'i gamweddau;
    yr hwn ni chaed
  Dim twyll dichellfrad ynddo.

Rhyw loches gadarn wyt i mi,
  Rhag ing
      y'm cedwi'n ffyddlon;
Ac amgylchyni fi ar led
  A cherdd ymwared gyson.

Chwychwi gyfiawnion tirion, ewch,
  A llawenhewch yn hylwydd:
Pob uniawn galon yn  ddi lyth,
  Clodfored byth yr Arglwydd.
sawl sy :: sawl sydd
Mo'i gamweddau; yr hwn :: Mo ei gamweddau; ac
Ac amgylchyni fi :: Amgylchyni fyfi

Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfroedd Siloah (John Williams 1740-1821)
Elmdon (<1835)
Trallwm (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(PSALM 32 - The forgiveness of sin)
Whoever is worthy, blessed is he,
  Through the forgiving
      of his transgressions;
And having had covered all his faults,
  His sin, and his falsehood.

And the man with God's blessing
    and his prosperity,
  The Lord does not account to him,
Any of his mistakes;
    as for him there is found
  No artful treachery in him.

Some strong refuge art thou to me,
  From anguish
      thou wilt keep me faithfully;
And thou wilt surround me abroad
  With a constant song of deliverance.

Ye tender righteous ones, go,
  And rejoice abundantly:
Every upright, sincere heart,
  Extol forever the Lord.
Any of his mistakes; as for him :: Any of his mistakes; and
And thou wilt surround me :: Thou wilt surround me

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

 1 He's blessed whose sins
       have pardon gained,

     no more in judgement
         to appear;

 2 Whose guile
       remission has obtained,

     and whose repentance
         is sincere.

 7 Thy favour, Lord,
       in all distress,
     my tow'r of refuge I must own;
   Thou shalt my haughty foes suppress
     and me with songs of triumph crown.

11 His saints that have performed his laws
     their life in triumph shall employ;
   Let them, as they alone have cause,
     in grateful raptures shout for joy.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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