Y seren fore sydd

1,2,3;  1,2,4.
  Y seren fore sydd
    Yn ymlid draw y nos,
  Gan droi yn olau ddydd
    Dywyllwch llawer oes;
Genhedloedd, trowch, a phawb sydd drist,
I edrych ar ddisgleirdeb Crist.

  Gwyn fyd y dydd y daeth
    Yr Iesu mawr i'r byd;
  Taleithiau daear faith
    Cyd-lawenhewch i gyd;
Datseinier byth Hosanna'n bêr
I'r Hwn mae'i breswyl uwch y sêr.

  Disgleiried dwyfol ras
    Dros holl derfynau'r byd;
  Diflanned pechod cas
    Trwy gyrrau hwn i gyd;
Cyduned pob creadur byw
Ar nefol dôn i foli Duw.

Gogoniant fo i'r Tad
    Hyd entrych nefoedd wen;
  Gogoniant i'r Mab rhad
    A'n prynodd ar y pren;
I'r Yspryd Glân boed parch dilyth
Mewn melys gân a moliant byth.
1-2: anhysbys
3 : William Lewis, Llangloffan.
4 : Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tonau [666688]:
    Darwell (John Darwell 1731-89)
    Gwladys (William Tans'ur 1700-83)

  The star of morning is
    Chasing away the night,
  While turning into the light of day
    The darkness of many ages;
Ye nations, turn, and all who are sad,
To look on the radiance of Christ.

  Blessed is the day when came
    The great Jesus to the world;
  Provinces of the vast earth
    Rejoice ye all together;
To be resounded forever is Hosanna sweetly
To Him whose dwelling is above the stars.

  Let divine grace shine
    Across all the ends of the world;
  Let hated sin vanish
    Throughout all its corners;
Let every living creature unite
In a heavenly tune to praise God.

  Glory be to the Father
    To the vault of bright heaven;
  Glory to the gracious Son
    Who redeemed us on the tree;
To the Holy Spirit be unfailing reverence
In a sweet song of praise forever.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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