Ym Methlem mewn preseb

Ym Methlem mewn preseb
  Heb le i roi ben,
Fe anwyd Mab bychan,
  Tywysog y nen;
A'r sêr yn yr ŵybren
  Edrychent i lawr
Ar ŵyneb y baban
  Oedd frenin mor fawr.

'R oedd côr o angylion
  Yn canu ei glod
Ac yntau yn gorwedd
  Mewn preseb di-nod.
Daeth ato fugeiliaid
  Yn moli Duw Nêr,
A doethion o'r dwyrain
  A ddilyn y sêr.

Anrhegion oedd ganddynt
  I'r bychan di-nam
Orweddai mor dawel
  Ar lin Mair ei fam.
Anrhegion rown ninnau,
  Ni blant bach y llawr;
Mae'n haeddu ein gorau,
  Mae'n caru mor fawr.

Rhown iddo ein gorau
  Tra ŷm yma'n byw;
Mor hyfryd fydd bywyd
  Ag Ef wrth y llyw.
Rhown iddo ein cariad,
  Rhown iddo ein clod,
'Does gfaill fel Iesu
  I blant bach yn bod.
Helena Roberts (-1934)

Tôn [6666D]: Garth (D Emrys Thomas)

In Bethlehem in a manger
  With nowhere to lay his head,
A little Son was born,
  The Prince of heaven;
And the stars in the sky
  Looked down
On the face of the baby
  Who was such a great king.

The choir of angels was
  Singing his praise
While he was lying
  In an unremarkable manger.
Shepherds came to him
  Praising the Lord God,
And wise ones from the east
  Following the stars.

Gifts they had
  For the innocent little one
Who was lying so quietly
  On his mother Mary's knee.
Gifts let us also give
  We little children of earth;
He deserves our best,
  He loves so greatly.

Let us give him our best
  While we are living here;
How delightful will be life
  With him at the steering wheel.
Let us give him our love,
  Let us give him our praise,
There is no friend like Jesus
  For little children existing.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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