Ymdeithydd wy'n y byd

(Morio tuag adref)
  Ymdeithydd wy'n y byd,
    Fel rhai o'm tadau gynt,
  Sy'n morio lawer pryd
    Yn erbyn llanw a gwynt:
Mae 'ngolwg wiw tua'r
      hyfryd wlad
Lle mae fy Nhad a'm ffryndiau'n byw.

  Mae'r tònau lawer gwaith
    A'r stormydd mawr eu stŵr,
  Yn curo f'enaid llaith
    Nes byddo dàn y dŵr:
Ond Iesu ddaw, ac yn y mân
Fe'm c'od i'r làn â'i gadarn law.

  Pan byddo awyr glir,
    'R wy'n gwel'd trwy
          ddrych di-frêg
  Rai manau o Salem dir,
    A'm hetifeddiaeth deg:
A'r olwg hon, trwy
      gwrs fy nhaith,
Ddôd f'enaid llaith i fyn'd yn llon.

  Er bod y ffordd yn faith,
    A rhwystrau eto 'mlaen,
  Câf orphen ar fy nhaith,
    A glànio i Salem lân:
Marwolaeth ddaw, câf
      fyn'd heb ble,
Yn iach i dre' yr ochr draw.

  Ac yno gwỳn fy myd,
    Tu draw i'r byd a'r bedd;
  Câf yno fyw o hyd
    Mewn hawddfyd ac mewn hedd:
Yn canu'n bêr i'r Iesu mwyn,
Am iddo'm dwyn i Salem dir.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Aleluia 1749

priodolwyd hefyd i   |   attributed also to
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
Alexandria (alaw Almaenaidd)
Dolgellau (William Croft 1678-1727)
Waterstock (John Goss 1800-80)
Wesley (Samuel S Wesley 1810-76)

(Sailing towards home)
  A traveller am I in the world,
    Like some of my fathers formerly,
  Who is sailing many a time
    Against tide and wind:
My worthy gaze is towards the
      delightful country
Where my Father and my friends are living.

  The waves many times
    And the storms of great disturbance,
  Strike my timid soul
    Until I would be under water;
But Jesus comes, and soon
He will raise my head up with his firm hand.

  Whenever the air be clear,
    I can see through a
          faultless looking-glass
  Some places of Salem land
    And my fair inheritance:
With this view, through the
      course of my journey,
My timid soul shall come to go cheerfully.

  Although the way be long,
    With obstacles still ahead,
  I may get to finish my journey,
    And land at holy Salem:
Death may come, I may get
      to go without doubt,
Whole to town on the other side.

  And there how blessed I shall be,
    Beyond the world and the grave;
  I will get the live there always
    In pleasure and in peace:
Singing sweetly to gentle Jesus,
For his bringing me to Salem land.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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