Ymdeithydd wyf mewn anial maith
Ymdeithydd wyf mewn dyrys daith

(Golwg ar y nef)
1,2,3;  1,2,4.
Ymdeithydd wyf mewn anial maith,
  A'm ffordd sy' drom a phell;
Mae tynfa f'enaid egwan, llaith,
  I wlad a thrigfan well.

'R wyf weithiau'n gwel'd
    trwy ddrychau ffydd,
  Hoff gyrau'r hyfryd wlad,
A thyna pa'm yr wyf bob dydd,
  Mor daer am dŷ fy Nhad.

Paid, f'enaid gwan, ac ymlesgâu,
  Er poethed gwres y dydd,
Mae amser gorphwys yn nesâu,
  Ac O! mor felys fydd.

O na bai yn fy nghalon fwy
  O'r nefoedd, yn y byd,
Cyn mynd o'm hysbryd dedwydd trwy
 I feddu'r wynfa glyd!

- - - - -
(Golwg ar y nefol wlad)
Ymdeithydd wyf mewn dyrys daith,
  A'm ffordd sydd drom a phell,
Mae tynfa f'enaid egwan, llaith,
  I wlad a thrigfan well.

'Rwy weithiau'n gwel'd
    trwy ddrych o ffydd,
  Ryw faint o'r hyfryd wlad;
A thyna pa'm yr wyf bob dydd,
  A'm cais am dŷ fy Nhad.

Paid, f'enaid gwan, a llwfrhau,
  Er twymned ydyw'r dydd;
Mae tragwyddoldeb yn nesâu,
  Henffych i'r boreu ddydd!

O Sďon nefol, drigfan wiw!
  Paradwys Brenin ne';
Lle y mae seintiau lu yn byw,
  Ddiangodd draw i dre'.
Parch. Daniel Lloyd, Dinbych.
Aberth Moliant 1875

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bangor (William Tans'ur 1706-83)
Boulcote (<1875)
Burford (Henry Purcell 1658-95)

(View over heaven)
A traveller I am in a vast desert,
  And my way is heavy and far;
My weak, limp soul draws
  To a better land and dwelling.

I am sometimes seeing
    through the glasses of faith,
  Lovely corners of the delightful land,
And that is why I am every day,
  So earnest for my Father's house.

Do not, my soul, faint,
  Despite how searing the heat of the day,
The time of rest is approaching,
  And oh, how sweet it will be!

O that there would be in my heart, more
  Of heaven, in the world,
Before going from my happy spirit through
  To possess the secure bliss!

- - - - -
(View over the heavenly land)
A traveller I am in a troublesome journey,
  And my way is heavy and far,
My weak, limp soul draws
  To a better land and dwelling.

I am sometimes seeing
    through the glass of faith,
  Some extent of the delightful land;
And that is why I am every day,
  Seeking my Father's house.

Do not, my soul, be discouraged,
  Despite how hot is the day;
Eternity is approaching,
  Hail to the morn of day!

O heavenly Zion, worthy dwelling!
  Paradise of the King of heaven;
Where the host of saints is living,
  Having escaped yonder to home.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

O would he more of heaven bestow,
  And let the vessel break,
And let our ransomed spirits go
  To grasp the God we seek.
Charles Wesley 1707-88
How happy every child of grace
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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