Ymgrymwn oll ynghyd i lawr

(Yr Awr Weddi)
Ymgrymwn oll ynghyd i lawr
Gerbron gorseddfainc gras yn awr;
  Â pharchus ofn addolwn Dduw;
  Mae'n weddus iawn -
      awr weddi yw.

Awr weddi yw, awr addas iawn
I draethu cwynion calon lawn;
  Gweddïau'r gwael efe a glyw
  Yn awr yn wir - awr weddi yw.

Dy Ysbryd, Arglwydd, dod i lawr
Yn ysbryd gras a gweddi nawr
  I'n gwneud yn wir addolwyr Duw;
  Mawl fo i ti -
      awr weddi yw.
Casgliad Robert Jones 1851

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Babylon (Jacques de Champion 1600-72)
Bryn-Teg (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
St Cross (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Van Ganol (D Jenkins 1848-1915)
Windham (Daniel Read 1757-1836)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyr Genefa 1551)

(The Hour of Prayer)
Let us bow down together
Before the throne of grace now;
  with reverent fear let us worship God;
  It is very fitting -
      it is the hour of prayer.

It is the hour of prayer, a very suitable hour
To set out the complaints of a full heart;
  Prayers of the wretched he will hear
  Now truly - it is the hour of prayer.

Thy Spirit, Lord, come down
In a spirit of grace and prayer now
  To make us truly worshippers of God;
  Praise be to thee -
      it is the hour of prayer.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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