Y'mhlith holl luoedd dynol ryw

(Salm XXV - Rhan III - 12-14
Daioni Duw i'r rhai a'i hofnant ef)
Y'mhlith holl luoedd dynol ryw
Pa le mae'r dyn sy'n ofni Duw?
  Ei Dduw a ddengys iddo ef
  Yr union ffordd i deyrnas nef.

Ei enaid drud, medd Iôn dilŵth,
A erys mewn daioni byth;
  A'i had, o oes i oes yn wir,
  Gaiff etifeddiaeth yn y tir.

Dirgelwch Iôr sydd gyda'r rhai
A'i hofnant ef, gan adael bai;
  A'i hen gyfammod grasol sydd
  I'w cyfarwyddo yn y ffydd.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MH 8888]

  Rhan I - I fynu attat Arglwydd da
  Rhan II - Arglwydd cofia'th dosturiaethau
  Rhan IV - Fy llygaid arnat sydd

(Psalm 25 - Part - 12-14
The goodness of God to those who fear him)
Amongst all the hosts of human kind
Where is the man who fears God?
  His God shall show to him
  The direct way to the kingdom of heaven.

His precious soul, says the unfailing Lord,
Shall abide in goodness forever;
  And his seed, from age to age truly,
  Shall get an inheritance in the land.

The secret of the Lord is with those
Who love him, while departing from fault;
  And his gracious, old covenant is
  To meet them in in the faith.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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