Yn awr mewn gorfoleddus gân

Now in a song of grateful praise

1,(2),3,4,5,6;  1,2,3,4;  1,3,4,6.
("Da y gwnaeth Ef bob peth.")
Yn awr, mewn gorfoleddus gân,
Dyrchafaf glod i'm Harglwydd glân;
  Ynghyda'i saint cydseinio wna':
  Fy Iesu a wnaeth bob peth yn dda.

Mor ddoeth, mor dda, mor hawddgar yw
Trefnidiau gras
    fy Mhrynwr gwiw,
  I'm hachub rhag uffernol dân!
  Pob peth yn dda wnaeth Iesu glân.

Trwy demtasiynau maith di-ri'
Bu'n gymorth cryf i'm henaid i;
  Tra fyddwyf byw ei foli wna':
  Fy Iesu a wnaeth bob peth yn dda.

Er gwgu arnaf uffern fawr,
Ynghyda drygau maith y llawr,
  Digon i mi fydd gras fy Nuw:
  Pob peth yn dda wnaeth Iesu gwiw.

Ac wrth fyn'd trwy'r Iorddonen ddű,
Caf brofi hedd
    fy Mhrynwr cu;
  Er chwyddo'r tňnau,
      canu wna',
  Fy Iesu wnaeth bob peth yn dda.

A phan gyrhaeddaf uwch y nen
I blith cantorion nefoedd wen,
  Uwch na seraffiaid seinio wna':
  Fy Iesu a wnaeth bob peth yn dda.
gwgu :: rhuo

cyf. Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Ffrydiau Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1619)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Lledrod / Llangollen (alaw Gymreig)
Moliant (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Winchester (New) / Crasselius
    (Musikalisches Hand-Buch 1690)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyr Genefa 1551)

("He has done everything well.")
Now, in a joyful song,
I will raise praise to my holy Lord;
  Together with his saints I will sound:
  My Jesus has done everything well.

How wise, how good, how beautiful are
The arrangements of my
    worthy Redeemer's grace,
  To save me from infernal fire!
  Everything good has holy Jesus done.

Through extensive, unnumbered temptations
It was a strong support to my soul;
  While I live I will praise him:
  My Jesus has done everything well.

Although great hell scowl at me,
Together with the many evils of earth,
  Enough for me will be my God's grace:
  Every thing well did worthy Jesus.

And on going through the black Jordan,
I will get to experience
    my dear Redeemer's peace;
  Despite the billows' swelling,
      I will sing,
  My Jesus has done everything well.

And when I arrive above the sky
Amongst the singers of the blessed heavens,
  Higher than seraphim I will sound:
  My Jesus has done everything well.
scowl :: rush

tr. 2008,10 Richard B Gillion

Now, in a song of grateful praise,
To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise;
  With all His saints I'll join to tell -
  My Jesus has done all things well.

How sovereign, powerful and free
Has been His love
    to sinful me!
  He plucked me from the jaws of hell -
  My Jesus has done all things well.

I spurned His grace, I broke His laws,
And then he undertook my cause;
  To save me though I did rebel,
  My Jesus has done all things well.

Though many a flaming fiery dart,
Attempt their level at my heart;
  With this I all his rage repel -
  My Jesus has done all things well.

Soon I shall pass this vale of death,
And in His arms
    resign my breath:
  Yet then my happy
      soul shall tell,
  How Jesus has done all things well.

And when to those bright worlds I rise,
And join the anthem with the skies;
  Above the rest, this note shall swell,
  My Jesus has done all things well.

Samuel Medley 1738-99

originally: O for a heart prepared to sing

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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