Yn Dy gyfammod mae'n fy ngho'

(Rhyddid o gaethiwed)
Yn Dy gyfammod, mae'n fy ngho'
  Fod myrdd o addewidion,
Rhai yn cyhoeddi llwyr iachâd,
  Trwy rîn Dy waed,
      i'r cleifion.

'R wy'n gwaeddi wrth Dy borth yn ewn
  Am dd'od i mewn i wledda;
Nid boddlawn wyf i fod tu faes
  I gaerau'r ddinas noddfa.

O! hollta'r môr, gwna'r ffordd yn rhydd
  I weled dydd y rhyddid,
A chael teyrnasu cyn b'o hir
  Yn ngwledydd yr addewid.

Yn disgwyl 'r wyf, a hyn bob cam,
  Fel gwyliwr am y boreu,
I brofi cryfder
    braich Dy râs
  I'm tynu 'maes o'm beiau.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Arenig (W K Briegel 1626-1723)
Padarn (John Roberts 1822-77)
St Ffraid (Ifan William)
Saxony (alaw henafol)

gwelir: B'le trof fy wyneb Arglwydd cu

(Freedom from captivity)
In Thy covenant, I remember that
  There are a myriad of promises,
Some announcing complete healing,
  Through the virtue of Thy blood,
      for the wounded.

I am shouting at Thy gate boldly
  To come in to feast;
I am not satisfied with being outside
  Of the fields of city of refuge.

O divide the sea, make a way free
  To see the day of freedom,
And getting to reign before long
  In the lands of promise.

Waiting I am, and this every step,
  Like a watchman for the morning,
To experience the strength
    of thy arm of Thy grace
  To pull me out of my faults.
2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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