Yn dy ymyl Iesu mawr

(Yn ymyl Iesu)
Yn dy ymyl, Iesu mawr,
Nid rhaid ofni
    drygau'r llawr:
  Cilia temtasiynau draw
  Os Tydi a fydd gerllaw.

Yn dy ymyl, Arglwydd Iôr,
Gallaf gerdded ar y môr;
  Cynnal fi rhag suddo i lawr
  O dan bwys un storom fawr.

Yn dy ymyl, Iesu glân,
Rhodiaf rhwng y fflamau tân;
  Deuaf allan yn fwy pur
  O ffwrneisiau poen a chur.

Yn dy ymyl, Iesu gwyn,
Wrth y Groes, ar ben y bryn,
  Teimlaf rinwedd mawr dy waed
  Yn rhoi 'mhechod dan fy nhraed.

Yn dy ymyl, ddwyfol Un,
'R wyf yn fwy na mi fy hun;
  Nid oes nefoedd well imi
  Na bod yn dy ymyl Di.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tonau [7777]:
Bremen (J H Knecht 1752-1817)
St Dunstan (Richard Redhead 1820-1901)
Harts (B Milgrove 1731-1810)

(By the side of Jesus)
By thy side, great Jesus,
There is no need to fear
    the evils of earth:
  Temptations retreat yonder
  If Thou shalt be at hand.

By thy side, Sovereign Lord,
I can walk on the sea;
  Uphold me against sinking down
  Under the weight of one great storm.

By thy side, holy Jesus,
I will wander between the flames of fire;
  I will come out more pure
  From the furnaces of pain and ache.

By thy side, bright Jesus,
By thy Cross, on top of the hill,
  I feel the great merit of thy blood
  Putting my sins under my feet.

By thy side, divine One,
I am greater than me myself;
  There is no heaven preferable to me
  To being by Thy side.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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