Yn enw fy Nuw y gobeithiaf

(Cyfamod Tragwyddol)
Yn enw fy Nuw y gobeithiaf,
  Mae gair Ei addewid yn wledd;
Efe a feddyliodd am danaf
  Feddyliau tragwyddol o hedd;
Fe'm galwodd i'n dyner i'w gwmni,
  A'i gariad a erys yr un;
Ni ollwng fi'n ôl i drueni
  Heb golli Ei orsedd Ei Hun.

Ei gymod a bery yn gynnes,
  A chofio'i drugaredd a wnaf;
Mi bwysaf yn drwm ar Ei fynwes,
  Ac ynddo fy mywyd a gaf;
Siomedig yw'r byd ar ei oreu,
  Anwadal yw daear a môr;
Ond byth ni ddatodir llinynnau
  Cyfamod tragwyddol fy Iôr.

Y cedyrn fynyddoedd a giliant,
  A throir eu gorseddau yn sarn;
Y bryniau o'u lle a symudant
  Pan ddeffry tymhestloedd y farn;
Caf innau, ynghanol y difrod,
  Fy Nuw'n ddigyfnewid o hyd;
A diogel o fewn y cyfamod,
  Mi ganaf ar ludw y byd.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: 9898D]

(An Eternal Covenant)
In the name of my God I will hope,
  The word of His promise is a feast;
He has thought about me
  Eternal thoughts of peace;
He has called me tenderly into his company,
  And his love shall raise the same;
Not losing me back to wretchedness
  Without losing His own throne.

His reconciliation shall endure warmly,
  And remember his mercy I shall;
I will lean heavily on His breast,
  In in him my life I shall get;
Disappointed is the world at its best,
  Fickle is earth and sea;
But never are the lines of the eternal
  Covenant of my Lord to be undone.

The firm mountains shall retreat,
  And their thrones turned into a pavement;
The hills from their place shall move
  When the tempests of the judgment awake;
I will get, in the midst of the destruction,
  My unchanging God always;
And safe within the covenant,
  I will sing over the ashes of the world.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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