Yn erbyn pawb mae wyneb Duw

(Salm XXXIV. Rhan III. ad. 15-17
Duw a wrendy ar y cyfiawn)
Yn erbyn pawb mae wyneb Duw
  Mewn bai sy'n byw o hyd yn awr;
Oddiar y dda'r
    eu coffa tỳr,
  Ar fyr fe'u gỳr
      i'r poenau mawr.

Agored yw ei glustiau ef
  I wrando llef ei bobl
      trwy'r byd;
A'i lygaid ar y cyfiawn sydd,
  Bob awr o'r dydd, i'w cadw i gyd.

Yn glau y clyw ein Nāf o'r nef
  Leferydd llef
      y cyfiawn cu;
O'u trallod drwg fe'u myn i ma's,
  O'i ryfedd ras,
      i'r gwynfyd fry.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MH 8888]

  Rhan I - Bendithio wnaf fy Arglwydd Ner
  Rhan II - Y truan hwn a roes ei lef
  Rhan IV - Yr Arglwydd agos yw at gūr

(Psalm 34. Part 3. vv. 15-17
God who listens to the righteous)
Against all is the face of God
  In sin who live always now;
From the earth their memory
    he will cut off,
  Shorty he will drive them
      to their great pains.

Open are his ears
  To listen to the cry of his people
      throughout the world;
And his eyes upon the righteous are,
  Every hour of the day, to keep them all.

Quickly our Master shall hear from heaven
  The voice of the cry of
      the dear righteous;
From their evil trouble they shall go out,
  By his wonderful grace,
      to the blessedness above.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
(Psal. XXXIV. 15-18.)
15 The Lord from heav'n beholds the just
     with favourable eyes;
   And, when distressed,
       his gracious ear
     is open to
         their cries:

16 But turns his wrathful look on those,
     whom mercy can't
   To cut them off, and from the earth
     blot out their hated name.

17 Deliv'rance to his saints he gives,
     when his relief
         they crave;
18 He's nigh to heal the broken heart,
     and contrite
         spirit save.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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