Yn fore Arglwydd clyw fy llef
Yn foreu Arglwydd clywi'm llef

Lord in the morning thou shalt hear

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;  1,2,3,4,5,(9);  1,4,5,(10).
(Salm V - Ar Ddydd yr Arglwydd)
Yn fore, Arglwydd, clyw fy llêf,
  Fy llais i'r nêf dyrchafaf;
Fy ngweddi'n union atat ddaw -
 I'r bryniau draw edrychaf.

Lle'r aeth yr Iesu yn ddi-os,
  I erfyn dros ei Seintiau:
Cyflwyno mae ger bron y Tâd,
  Ein caniad a'n gweddiau.

Duw ydwyt ti yngwydd pa un,
  Ni saif mo'r dyn drygionus:
Ac ni thrig pechaduriaid draw,
  Ar dy ddeheulaw happus.

Mi ddeuaf, Arglwydd Iôr, i'th dŷ,
  I brofi'r trugareddau;
Addolaf yn dy sanctaidd lys
  Yn barchus, fel y gweddai.

O! tywys fi â'th Ysbryd pur
  Yng nghywir ffyrdd uniondeb;
Gwna lwybrau pôb dyletswydd lân
  Yn olau o flaen fy wyneb.

Mae fy ngelynion i mewn brad
  Am demtio nhra'd i ymaith;
Gwenieithio maent, a'u hamcan yw
  Cael f'enaid byw yn annhraith.

Duw, dryllia'r sarff
    i'r llwch heb fri,
  I'w holl frad hi dod ddiwedd:
A*r rhai a gred i'íh ras,
    dan go';
  Byth gwaeddant o orfoledd.

Y rhai a garant d'enw di,
  Cant wel'd cyfíawni'u gobaith:
Amgylchi hwynt â'th 'wyllys da,
  Fel tarian a chadwraeth.

Can's ti, O Dduw, anfoni wlîth
  Dy fendith ar y cyfion:
A'th gywir serch
    fel tarian grêf
  Rhoi drosto ef yn goron.

Gogoniant byth a fo i'r Tad,
  I'r Mab Rhad, a'r Glân Ysbryd;
Fel gynt yr oedd, y mae, a bydd
  Dros oesoedd tragwyddolfyd.
fore Arglwydd clyw fy :: foreu Arglwydd clywi'm
dyrchafaf :: ddyrchafaf
draw edrychaf :: draw'r edrychaf
Arglwydd Iôr, i'th dŷ :: Arglwydd tua'th dŷ
Mi ddeuaf, Arglwydd Iôr, :: Ond, Arglwydd, mi a ddôf
brofi'r trugareddau :: brofi'th drugareddau
fel y gweddai :: gyda'th seintiau
Ysbryd pur :: Ysbryd Glân
Yng nghywir :: Yn nyddan
dyletswydd lân :: dyledswydd lon
Yn olau o flaen :: Yn rhwydd gerbron
fy wyneb :: fy ngwyneb

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ceridwen (<1962)
Dyffryn Maelor (E O Parry)
Ferry (<1876)
Gwynfryn (D W Lewis 1845-1920)
Lybia (<1868)

  Arglwydd clyw 'ngweddi yn ddiball
  Clyw 'ngweddi Arglwydd yn ddiball
  Fy ngeiriau clyw O Arglwydd cu
  Yn fore Iôr erglŷw fy llef

(Psalm 5 - On the Day of the Lord)
In the morning, Lord, hear my cry,
  My voice to heaven I will raise;
My prayer straight to him will come -
  To yonder hills I will look.

Where Jesus went undoubtedly,
  To intercede for his Saints:
Presenting he is before the Father,
  Our call and our prayers.

God thou art in the sight of whom,
  The evil man shall not stand:
And yonder sinners shall not dwell,
  At thy happy right hand.

I will come, Sovereign Lord, to thy house,
  To experience the mercies;
I will worship in thy holy court
  Reverently, as would be fitting.

O lead me with thy pure Spirit!
  In true ways of uprightness;
Make paths of every pure duty
  Light before my face.

My enemies are in treachery
  Wanting to tempt my feet away;
They flatter, and their purpose is
  To get my living soul as prey.

God, crush the serpent
    to the dust without honour,
  For all its treachery to come to an end:
And those who believe in thy grace,
    in memory;
  Shall forever shout for jubilation.

Those who love thy name,
  Shall see their hope fulfilled:
Surround them with thy good will,
  Like a shield and safe-keeping.

Since thou, O God, sendest dew
  Thy blessing on the righteous:
And thy true affection
      like a strong shield
  Thou settest over him as a crown.

Glory forever be to the Father,
  To the Gracious Son, and the Holy Spirit;
As of old it was, is, and shall be
  For the ages of eternity.
Sovereign Lord, to thy house :: Lord, towards thy house
I will come, Sovereign Lord, :: But, Lord, I shall come
experience the mercies :: experience thy mercies
as would be fitting :: with thy saints
pure Spirit :: Holy Spirit
In true :: In cheering
pure duty :: cheerful duty
Light before :: Easy before

tr. 2010,23 Richard B Gillion

(Psalm V.3-5,7-8,11-12 - For the Lord's day morning.)
Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear
  My voice ascending high;
To thee will I direct my prayer,
  To thee lift up mine eye;

Up to the hills, where Christ is gone
  To plead for all His saints,
Presenting at His Father's throne,
  Our songs and our complaints.

Thou art a God before whose sight
  The wicked shall not stand;
Sinners shall ne'er be Thy delight,
  Nor dwell at Thy right hand.

But to thy house will I resort,
  To taste thy mercies there;
I will frequent thine holy court,
  And worship in thy fear.

O may thy Spirit guide my feet
  In ways of righteousness!
Make ev'ry path of' duty straight,
  And plain before my face.

My watchful enemies combine,
  To tempt my feet astray;
They flatter with a base design,
  To make my soul their prey.

Lord, crush the serpent
    in the dust,
  and all his plots destroy;
While those that in
    thy mercy trust,
  For ever shout for joy.

The men that love and fear Thy name
  Shall see their hopes fulfill'd;
The mighty God will compass them
  With favour as a shield.


Isaac Watts 1674-1748
The Psalms of David 1719

Tunes [CM 8686]:
    Warwick (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
    Mear (English air)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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