Yn fore iawn y gwragedd aeth

(Iesu'n Fyw)
Yn fore iawn y gwragedd aeth
I geisio Crist mewn beddrod caeth,
  Gan ofni'r milwyr
      llym eu gwedd,
  Gan ofi'n maen ac ofni'r bedd.

Ond nid oes maen na milwyr chwaith
All atal Crist i wneud Ei waith; -
  Cyddoeddai glân angylion Duw
  Y bedd yn wâg â'r Iesu'n fyw.

Ei annwyl rai gadd weld y fan
Lle'r hunodd dro Ei farwol ran;
  Ond gyda'r meirw mwy nid yw -
  Mae'r bedd yn wâg â'r Iesu'n fyw.

O! clywch Ei lais yn galw "Mair" -
Pwy fel Efe i ddweyd y gair?
  Efe Ei hun yn sicir yw:
  Mae'r bedd yn wâg â'r Iesu'n fwy.
Ben Davies 1864-1937

Tôn [MH 8888]: Lledrod (alaw Gymreig)

(Jesus Alive)
Early in the morning the women went
To seek Christ in a tomb of captivity,
  Fearing the soldiers
      with their sharp countenance,
  Fearing  the stone and fearing the grave.

But neither stone nor soldiers either
Can stop Christ from doing His work; -
  The holy angels of God would publish
  The grave as empty with Jesus alive.

His beloved ones got to see the place
Where slept for a time His mortal part;
  But with the dead he is no more -
  The grave empty with Jesus alive.

O hear His voice calling "Mary" -
Who like He to say the word?
  He Himself surely it is:
  The grave is empty with Jesus alive.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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