Yn fore iawn y gwragedd aeth I geisio Crist mewn beddrod caeth, Gan ofni'r milwyr llym eu gwedd, Gan ofi'n maen ac ofni'r bedd. Ond nid oes maen na milwyr chwaith All atal Crist i wneud Ei waith; - Cyddoeddai glân angylion Duw Y bedd yn wâg â'r Iesu'n fyw. Ei annwyl rai gadd weld y fan Lle'r hunodd dro Ei farwol ran; Ond gyda'r meirw mwy nid yw - Mae'r bedd yn wâg â'r Iesu'n fyw. O! clywch Ei lais yn galw "Mair" - Pwy fel Efe i ddweyd y gair? Efe Ei hun yn sicir yw: Mae'r bedd yn wâg â'r Iesu'n fwy.Ben Davies 1864-1937 Tôn [MH 8888]: Lledrod (alaw Gymreig) |
Early in the morning the women went To seek Christ in a tomb of captivity, Fearing the soldiers with their sharp countenance, Fearing the stone and fearing the grave. But neither stone nor soldiers either Can stop Christ from doing His work; - The holy angels of God would publish The grave as empty with Jesus alive. His beloved ones got to see the place Where slept for a time His mortal part; But with the dead he is no more - The grave empty with Jesus alive. O hear His voice calling "Mary" - Who like He to say the word? He Himself surely it is: The grave is empty with Jesus alive.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |