Yn fore Iôr erglŷw fy llef

(Salm V. 3,7,8.)
Yn fore, Iôr, erglŷw fy llef,
  Yr hon i'r nef dyrchafaf;
Fy ngweddi attat
    ddaw o'th dŷ,
 I'r bryniau fry edrychaf.

I'th dŷ fel hyn y dof mewn hedd,
  Am dy drugaredd galwaf;
Mewn ofn, a pharch,
    a goglud dwys,
  I'th sanctaidd eglwys treiglaf.

Duw tywys fi, â'th Ysbryd pur,
  Yn nifyr ffyrdd uniondeb;
Gwna lwybr pob dyletswydd lân
  Yn olau o fla'n fy wyneb.
Casgliad Daniel Rees 1837

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Arglwydd clyw 'ngweddi yn ddiball
  Clyw 'ngweddi Arglwydd yn ddiball
  Fy ngeiriau clyw O Arglwydd cu
  Yn fore Arglwydd clyw fy llef

(Psalm 5:3,7,8.)
In the morning, Lord, hear my cry,
  This to heaven I will raise;
My prayer to thee shall
    come from thy house,
  To the hills above I will look.

To thy house thus I will come in peace,
  For thy mercy I will call;
In fear, and reverence,
    and utter dependence,
  To thy holy church I will trundle.

God, lead me with thy pure Spirit,
  In devoted, upright ways;
Make a path of every holy duty
  Light before thy face.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(Psalm V.3,7,11-12.)
Thou in the morn my voice shalt hear;
  and with the dawning day
To thee devoutly
    I'll look up,
  to thee devoutly pray.

But when thy boundless grace Shall me 
  to thy lov'd courts restore.
On thee I'll fix
    my longing eyes,
  and humbly there adore.

Conduct me by thy righteous laws;
  for watchful is my foe:
Therefore, O Lord, mnke plain the way,
  wherein I ought to go.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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