Yn mynwes glyd yr anwyl Oen, Heb friw na phoen, 'rwy'n llechu; Ac oddi fewn ei glwyfau cu Mae f'enaid i'n cartrefu. Nid llygad wêl, na chlust a glyw, Nac un dyn byw ddychymyg, Y tawel hedd rydd Duw bob dydd I'r rhai sydd ddewisedig. [Llygad ni wêl, a chlust ni chlyw, A dyn byw ni ddychymyg, Y tawel hedd ry Duw bob dydd I'r rhai sydd ddewisedig.] Er bod yn hir mewn anial fan, Yn 'mofyn am orphwysfa, O'r diwedd des - O! ryfedd fraint! I'r man mae'r saint yn gwledda. Wrth linyn rhad fe ddaeth i'm rhan Y lle a'r man hyfryta', Mewn brasder bro 'mhlith brodyr lu Sy'n canu Aleluwia. Nid rhyfedd yw bod seintiau gwiw Yn moli Duw a'i ganmol; Afonydd hael o'i nefol hedd Sydd im' yn wledd wastadol. Mi wn, pe cawn dafodau hy' Angylion fry sy'n canu, Mi rown y rhai'n i gyd o'r bron I ganmol graslon Iesu. Mi wn y dwg fi i deyrnas ne', Ar ben fy mhererindod; Ac yno byth mewn tawel fan, Caf eistedd tan ei gysgod. Caf fwyta ffrwythau prenau plan Ar hyd glan afon bywyd, Tragwyddol Sabbath gyda'r Oen, Heb friw, na phoen, na gofid.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [MS 8787]: gwelir: Er bod yn hir mewn anial fan Gwyn fyd y rhai dilëaist eu bai O Fugail Israel dwg fi 'mlaen |
In the cosy breast of the dear Lamb, Without bruise or pain, I am hiding; And from within his dear wounds My soul is making its home. No eye shall see, nor ear shall hear, Nor any man alive imagine, The quiet peace God gives every day To those who are chosen. [No eye shall see, nor ear shall hear, Nor any man alive imagine, The quiet peace God gives every day To those who are chosen.] Although long in a desert place, Asking for a resting-place, At last I shall come - oh wonderful privilege! To the place the saints are feasting. By a gracious line there came to my portion The place and spot most delightful, In the fatness of a vale amongst a host of brothers Who are singing Alleluia. It is no wonder that worthy saints are Praising God and extolling him; Generous rives of his heavenly peace Are a constant feast to me. I know, if I had the bold tongues Of angels above who are singing, I would give them all entirely To the gracious praise of Jesus. I know he will bring me to the kingdom of heaven, At the end of my pilgrimage; And there forever in a quiet place, I will get to sit under his shadow. I will get to eat the fruits of established trees Along the bank of the river of life, An eternal Sabbath with the Lamb, Without bruise, or pain, or worry.tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion |