Yn Nuw yn unig mae i gyd

[7] Yn Nuw yn unig mae i gyd,
  Fy iechyd, a'm gogoniant, 
Fy Nghraig yw, a'm cadernid maith, 
  A'm gobaith yn ddilysiant.
[8] Gobeithiwch ynddo, ger ei fron
  Tywelltwch galon berffaith;
Ac ymddiriedwch tra foch byw,
  A dwedwch, Duw yw'n gobaith.

[11] Duw a lefarodd hyn un waith,
  Mi glywais ddwywaith hynny,
Sef, mai Duw biau'r nerth i gyd,
  Gostyngiad byd, neu ffynnu.

[12] O! Arglwydd, hefyd Ti a fedd
  Drugaredd a daioni;
I bawb dan gwmpas
    ŵybren faith
  Yn ôl ei waith y teli.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Deganwy (Benjamin Williams 1839-1918)
Glyncastell (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Remsen (Rees Thomas 1835-1922)
Roche Abbey (T W Stainforth 1845-1909)

  Fy enaid dod er hyn i gyd
  Fy unig Dduw ydyw fy mhlaid

(PSALM 62)
[7] In God alone is all
  My salvation, and my glory,
My Rock he is, and my great security,
  And my constant hope.

[8] Hope in him, before him
  Pour out a perfect heart;
And trust as long as you live,
  And say, God is our hope.

[11] God said this once,
  I heard this twice,
That is, that to God belongs all strength,
  The world's submission, or success.

[12] O Lord, also to Thee belong
  Mercy and goodness;
To everyone under the compass
    of the vast sky
  Pay according to his work.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
 7 God does his saving health dispense,
     and flowing blessings daily send;
   He is my fortress and defence,
     on him my soul shall still depend.

 8 In him, ye people, always trust,
     before his throne pour out your hearts;
   For God, the merciful and just,
     his timely aid to us imparts.

11 For God has oft his will expressed,
     and I this truth have fully known;
   To be of boundless pow'r possessed
     belongs of right to God alone.

12 Though mercy is his darling grace,
     in which he chiefly takes delight,
   Yet will he all
       the human race
     according to their works requite.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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