Yn nyfnder mawr annobaith du

Yn nyfnder mawr annobaith du
 Yr oe'm, drueiniaid gwael,
Heb lewyrch dydd,
    heb obaith gwiw,
  Na chymhorth ini gael.

Mewn mawr dosturi, Brenhin nef
  Welodd ein dwfwn wae;
Gwelodd - ac O! ryfeddol ras -
  Fe frysiodd i'n rhyddhau.

O! gariad cu i'th foliant di,
  Dadseinied nen a llawr;
Pob tafod dyn rhoent oll yn un
  Fyth glod i'n Ceidwad mawr.

Traethwch ei glod, delynau aur
  Yr holl angylaidd lu;
Ond pell, O! pell goruwch eich mawl
  Yw cariad Crist i ni.  Amen.
Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

[Mesur: MC 8686]

In the great depth of black hopelessness
  We were, poor wretches,
Without a gleam of day,
    without a worthy hope,
  Nor help for us to get.

In great mercy, the King of heaven
  Saw our deep woe;
He saw - and oh, amazing grace -
  He hurried to free us.

O dear love to thy praise,
  Let heaven and earth resound;
Let every tongue give all as one
  Forever esteem to our great Saviour.

Expound ye his esteem, harps of gold
  Of all the angelic host;
But far, oh, far above your praise
  Is the love of Christ to us.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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