Yn ol Ei rasol ordinhâd

("Gwnewch hyn er cof am danaf.")
1,2,3,4;  1,(2),4,5.
Yn ol ei rasol ordinhad,
  At Iesu'n isel âf;
Myfyriaf ar ei gariad rhad,
  A'i gynhes gofio wnaf.

Tydi yn marw, minau'n fyw!
  Tydi a'th waed yn lli':
O Oen fy Aberth! O fy Nuw!
  Rhaid im' dy gofio Di.

Cymmeraist phiol
    llid y Tad,
  Tro'ist hono'n win i mi:
O! pwy nacäi'r fath orchwyl rhad
  A hyn, dy gofio Di!

Y corff fu dan yr hoelion dur,
  Fydd fara i'm henaid i;
A'th waed fydd mwy
    fy niod bur -
  Fel hyn y'th gofiaf Di.

Caf yfed ffrwyth
      gwinwydden well,
  'Nol treiddio'r anial trwy;
Tragwyddol Sabboth fydd yr ŵyl,
  A gwledd heb
      ddarfod mwy.

             - - - - -

Yn ôl ei rasol ordinhad,
  At Iesu'n isel âf;
Myfyriaf ar ei gariad rhad,
  A'i gynhes gofio wnaf.

Y corff fu drosof dan y cur,
  Fydd fara f'enaid i;
A'th waed fydd mwy
    fy niod bur:
  Fel hyn y'th gofiaf Di.

A ddaw i'r ardd byth
    mwy fy nhraed
  I wrando ar dy gri?
A gweld dy ing, a'th chwys,
    a'th waed,
  A heb dy gofio Di?

Tydi yn marw, minnau'n fyw!
  Tydi â'th waed yn lli!
O! Oen fy Aberth, Oen fy Nuw,
  Rhaid im dy gofio Di.
Casgliad Robert Phillips 1843

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Engedi (o L v Beethoven 1770-1827)
Leicester (William Hurst 1849-1943)
St John's / Turle (James Turle 1802-82)
St Mary (Salmydd E Prys 1621)
Uxbridge (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Windsor (Christopher Tye c.1505-73)

("Do this in remembrance of me.")
Following his gracious ordinance,
  To Jesus lowly I will go;
I will meditate on his free love,
  And his warmth I will remember.

Thou dying, I living!
  Thou with thy blood as a flood:
O Lamb of my Sacrifice! O my God!
  I must remember Thee.

Thou didst take the cup
    of the Father's wrath,
  Thou didst turn this into wine for me:
Oh, who would refuse such a gracious task
  As this - to remember Thee?

The body that was under the steel nails,
  Will be bread for my soul;
And thy blood will be evermore
    my pure drink -
  Thus shall I remember Thee.

I will get to drink the fruit
    of a better vine,
  After treading the desert through;
An eternal Sabbath shall be the festival,
  And a feast without
      passing away any more.

                - - - - -

According to his gracious ordinance,
  To Jesus, lowly I shall go;
I will meditate on his gracious love,
  And his warmth I will remember.

The body that was under the blow,
  Shall be the bread of my soul;
And thy blood shall be henceforth
    my pure drink:
  Thus I shall remember Thee.

And come to the garden for
    evermore shall my feet
  To listen to thy cry?
And see thy pangs, and thy sweat,
    and thy blood,
  Without remembering Thee?

Thou dying, whereas I living!
  Thou with thy blood as a flood!
O Lamb of my Sacrifice, Lamb of my God,
  I must remember Thee.
tr. 2015,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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