Yn wresog dyrchwn fawl i Dduw

(Dyrchafa dy lef drwy Nerth)
Yn wresog dyrchwn fawl i Dduw,
  A'n ceidw'n fyw bob mynyd;
Ein hanthem iddo, rhown bob dydd,
  Mewn rhydd nefolaidd ysbryd.

I Dduw y nef! dyrchafwn fawl,
  Am wawl ar dragwyddoldeb;
Fel gallwn gwrdd ag angeu du
  Dan wenu yn ei wyneb!
Parch. W A Williams (Anelyf), Porthryrhyd.

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-64)
Llangranog (J Parry 1787-1866)
Sabbath (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
Tonllwyd (M Llewelyn 1835-1906)

(Raise thy cry through Strength)
Warmly let us raise praise to God,
  Who keeps us alive every minute;
Our anthem to him, let us render every day,
  In a free, heavenly spirit.

To the God of heaven let us raise praise!
  For light on eternity;
Thus are we able to meet with black death
  While smiling in its face!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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