Yn ysgol rad fy Nuw

Yn ysgol rad fy Nuw
  Yn rhyfedd iawn fe'm rhoed,
I ddysgu iaith Paradwys draw
  Gan yr Athraw gorau erioed:
Ac er na fedra'i fawr
  Yn awr o iaith y nef,
Pwy wyr na chaf fy nysgu'n iawn?
  Un mawr ei ddawn yw Ef.

I'r Iesu byddo'r clod,
  Tra fyddo bod a byd;
Efe oedd cyn y diluw mawr,
  Efe sy'n awr o hyd,
Yn gyfaill ac yn Dduw
  Pob llwythau, rhyw, ac iaith;
Efe a'n harwain uwch y nen
  Yn iach i ben ein taith.

'Does bellach ddim ond mawl,
  A chanmawl byth ein Duw,
Ein tŵr a'n tarian, yn mhob man -
  Efe ei hunan yw;
Dyw pechod, er ei rym,
  Euogrwydd llym a'i boen,
O bwysau ddim o flaen y Tad,
  At werthfawr waed yr Oen.
  1 : Y Delyn Aur 1868
2-3: Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Ain (Arcangelo Corelli 1653-1717)
Lebanon (John Zundel 1815-82)

In the free school of my God
  Very wonderfully he put me,
To learn the language of yonder Paradise
  From the best Teacher ever:
And although I have not much ability
  Now in the language of heaven,
Who knows that I may not get taught well?
  One of great skill is He.

To Jesus be the acclaim,
  While there be being and a world;
He was before the great deluge,
  He is now still,
As friend as as God
  Of all tribes, race, and language;
He will lead us above the sky
  Whole to our journey's end.

There is henceforth nothing but praise,
  And a praise-song forever of our God,
Our tower and our shield, in every place -
  He himself is;
Sin is not, despite its force,
  Sharp guilt and its pain,
Of any weight before the Father,
  Against the valuable blood of the Lamb.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
God bless the Sunday School!
  Here day by day I'm taught
To know His voice, to own His rule,
  And serve Him as I ought.
'Tis little I can do,
  'Tis little I can speak;
But Jesus is my teacher true,
  And He will help the weak.

To Jesu's blessed name
  My voice I'll ever raise;
Today and yesterday the same -
  To Him be endless praise!
Our Brother and our Friend;
  His grace our boundless store;
Our Guide unto the journey's end;
 Our heaven for evermore.

Oh, come, then, let us sing
  The praises of our Lord;
Our tower and shield, our glorious King,
  The Everlasting Word!
Before Him sin and strife
  And sorrow flee away;
His blood our hope, His love our life
  His death our endless day!
tr. Gethin Davies 1846-96

Tune [DSM 6686D]: Ain (Arcangelo Corelli 1653-1717)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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