Yn(g) ngorthrymderau'r daith

(Duw yn Noddfa)
Yng ngorthrymderau'r daith,
  A'i hanrhaith hi,
Mae Duw yn nawdd o werth,
  A nerth i ni.
Mewn cyfyngderau dwys,
Dan bwys trallodion byd,
Ei gymorth sydd i'w gael
  Yn hael o hyd.

Pan ddel temtasiwn gref,
  Cawn Ef yn blaid;
I gwrdd y gelyn llym,
  Cawn rym wrth raid.
O ŷydd euogrwydd du,
Ymguddfa gu a gawn,
Ac ynddi ger ein bron
  Ddigonol Iawn.

Mae Ef yn nyfnder nos,
  Yn dangos dydd;
I'r glyn fe ddaw o'i fodd
  I'n rhoddi'n rhydd.
Yn nydd y farn a ddaw,
Ni chyffry braw ei blant -
Cant seinio'i foliant Ef,
  Ar nefol dant.
Owen Griffith (Alafon) 1847-1916

Tonau [6464.6664]:
Glanhafren (alaw Gymreig)
Liverpool (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Penygroes (H J Gauntlett 1806-76)
St Nicholas (alaw Almaenaidd)

(God as Refuge)
In the afflictions of the journey,
  And its prey,
God is a refuge of worth,
  And strength to us.
In intense straits,
Under the weight of a world's troubles,
His help is to be had
  Generously always.

When strong temptations come,
  We get Him on our side;
To meet the keen enemy,
  We get force at need.
From the presence of black guilt,
A dear hiding place we may get,
And in it before him
  A sufficient Ransom.

He is in the depth of night,
  Showing day;
To the vale he will come voluntarily
  To set us free.
In the day of judgment to come,
His children's fear will not be aroused -
They may sound His praise,
  On a heavenly string.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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