Ynot ti y mae f'ymddiried

PSALM 7. 1,9,10,17.
(Fy ynddiffyn sydd o Dduw)
Ynot ti y mae f'ymddiried,
  Arglwydd, gwared fi, o'th ras,
Rhag gelynion blin fy enaid,
  Satan, byd, a phechod cas:
Ti yw'm hunig Ymddiffynwr
  Wrth ymdeithio'r dyrus fyd;
Ti, Iachawdwr y rhai uniawn,
  Bydd i mi yn noddfa glyd.

Chwiliwr y calonnau ydwyt,
  A'r arennau bob yr un;
Gosod ddiwedd ar anwiredd,
  A chyf'rwydda'r cyfiawn ddyn:
Mwy yn ol dy
    fawr gyfiawnder
  Y'th glodforaf, O fy Nuw;
D'enw sanctaidd a ganmolaf,
  Y Goruchaf, tra fwy' byw.
Daniel Rees 1793-1857

[Mesur: 8787D]

PSALM 7:1,9,10,17.
(My defence is from God)
In thee is my trust,
  Lord, deliver me, of thy grace,
From the wearying enemies of my soul,
  Satan, world, and hated sin:
Thou art my only Defender
  While travelling the troublesome world;
Thou, Saviour of the upright,
  Be to me a secure refuge!

The searcher of hearts art thou,
  And the affections of every one;
Put an end to falsehood,
  And direct every righteous man:
Henceforth according to thy
    great righteousness
  I will praise thee, O my God;
Thy holy name I will extol,
  The Supreme, as long as I live.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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