Yr Arglwydd agos yw at gûr

(Salm XXXIV. 18,19,22.)
Yr Arglwydd agos yw at gûr
  Y galon bur ddrylliedig;
A da y ceidw ef bob pryd
  Yr yspryd cystuddiedig.

Cystuddiau trwm ac amal iawn
  A gaiff y cyfiawn weithiau;
Ond Duw, o honynt oll, o'i ras,
  A'i myn e'i ma's yn ddïau.

Ië, holl was'naethwyr ffyddlon Duw,
  Eu Harglwydd byw a'u gwared;
I'r sawl a gred yn Nêr dilŷth
  Ni ddigwydd byth no'r niwed.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Diolchaf fi â chalon rwydd
  Gwrandewch chwi feibion de'wch yn nes

(Psalm 34:18,19,22.)
The Lord is near to the wound
  Of the pure broken heart;
And well he will keep every time
  The afflicted spirit.

The heavy and very frequent afflictions
  Shall the righteous sometimes get;
But God, from them all, by his grace,
  Shall take them out undoubtedly.

Yes, all the faithful servants of God,
  Their living Lord shall deliver them;
To those who believe in the unfailing Master
  No harm shall ever happen.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
PSAL. XXXIV. 17-22.
17 Deliv'rance to his saints he gives,
     when his relief they crave;
18 He's nigh to heal the broken heart,
     and contrite spirit save.

19 The wicked oft, but still in vain,
     against the just conspire;
20 For under their affliction's weight
     he keeps their bones entire.

22 For God preserves the souls of those
     who on his truth depend,
   To them and their posterity
     his blessings shall descend.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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