Yr Arglwydd biau'r ddaear lawr

(SALM XXIV - Arglwyddiaeth Duw ar y byd)
Yr Arglwydd biau'r ddaear lawr,
  A'i llawnder mawr
      sy'n eiddo;
Yr Arglwydd biau yr holl fyd,
  A'r bobl i gyd sydd ynddo.

Can's ef a roes ei
    sail a'i gwedd
  Yn rhyfedd uwch y moroedd,
Ac a'i gosododd hi yn lân,
  Yn drigfan uwch llif-ddyfroedd.

Er hyny, pwy a ddring'n hŷ'
  I gyssegr fry yr Arglwydd?
A phwy a saif
    a theilwng wedd,
  Yn ngorsedd ei sanceiddrwydd?

Dynâ llaw lân, a meddwl da,
  Ac yn ddidraha'i enaid,
Diorwag, ac ni
    roes un tro
  Er twyllo'i gyfneseifiaid.

Fe gaiff hwn
    gan yr Arglwydd wlith
  Ei raslawn fendith helaeth,
A bydd cyfiawnder i'r cyfryw,
  Gan Dduw yr iachawdwriaeth.

Dyrchefwch, byrth, eich penau'n glau,
  Ehengwch, ddorau bythol;
Can's Brenin mawr
    ddaw i'ch mewn chwi -
  Brenin o fri gogonol.

Pwy, meddwch, ydyw'r Brenin hwn,
  A gofiwn ei ogoniant?
Iôr lluoedd ydyw, Brenin hedd,
  Gogonedd, a phob ffyniant.
Dyrchefwch, byrth, eich penau'n glau ::        
        O byrth! dyrchefwch eich penau
        Eich pen dyrchefwch, gedyrn byrth
Ehengwch :: Agorwch

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Bethania (<1869)
Bettws (<1835)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Elizabeth (R H Prichard 1811-87)
Llangranog (John Parry 1787-1860)
Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)
Trallwm (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-75)

  Daear a'i chyflawnder yw
  Dyrchefwch oll eich [penau fawr / penau'n awr]
  Yr Arglwydd bďau'r ddaear gron

(PSALM 24 - The Lordship of God over the world)
The Lord owns the earth below,
  And its great fulness
      which belongs to it;
The Lord owns the whole world,
  And all the people who are in it.

For he has set its
    foundation and its surface
  Wonderfully above the seas,
And has placed it completely,
  As a habitation above the flood-waters.

Therefore, who will climb confidently
  To the sanctuary above of the Lord?
And who will stand
    with a worthy countenance,
  In the court of his holiness?

A man with a clean hand, and good thoughts,
  And his soul free from pride,
Not frivolous, and who
    has not done anything
  To deceive his neighbours.

This one will get
    from the Lord the widespread
  Dew of his gracious blessing,
And there will be righteousness to such,
  From the God of salvation.

Lift up, portals, your heads swiftly,
  Widen, you everlasting doors;
Since the great King
    will enter within you -
  The King of glorious honour.

Who, you say, is this King,
  Whose glory we remember?
The Lord of hosts he is, the King of peace,
  Glory, and every prosperity.
Lift up, portals, your heads swiftly ::        
        O portals, lift up your heads
        Your head lift up, firm portals
Widen :: Open

tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

 1 This spacious earth is all the Lord's,
     the Lord's
         her fullness is.
   The world, and they that dwell therein,
     by sov'reign right are his.

 2 He framed and fixed
       it on the seas,
     and his Almighty hand
   Upon inconstant floods has made
     the stable fabric stand.

 3 But for himself this Lord of all
     one chosen seat designed;
   O! who shall to
       that sacred hill
     desired admittance find!

 4 The man whose hands and heart are pure,
     whose thoughts from pride are free;
   Who honest
       poverty prefers
     to gainful perjury.

 5 This, this is he,
       on whom the Lord
     shall show'r his blessings down,
   Who God his Savior shall vouchsafe
     with righteousness to crown.

 9 Erect your heads, ye gates, unfold
     in state to entertain
   The King of glory;
       see, he comes
     with all his shining train.

10 Who is this King of glory? who?
     The Lord of hosts renowned;
   Of glory he alone is king,
     who is with glory crowned.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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