Yr Arglwydd bïau'r ddaear gron

(Psalm 24.1-6
Y dyn a breswyl yn y nef)

Yr Arglwydd bïau'r ddaear gron,

  A phob creadur byw;

Ar fôr a llif y seiliodd hon

  Yn drigfan dynol ryw.

Mae gwlad sydd well
    er hynny fry,
  A gwynfyd mwy ei fraint;
Duw, pwy a driga yn dy dŷ?
  Pwy esgyn at dy saint?

Y gŵr sydd bur ei galon yw,
  A'i law yn lân o hyd;
Ni thyng i dwyllo
    neb o'i ryw,
  Sy'n fwyn, o isel fryd.

Ar hwn dihidlir bendith lawr
  Gan Frenin da'r a nef;
Cyfiawnder gaiff
    gan Awdwr mawr
  Ei iachawdwriaeth gref.

Wel dyma'r genedl rasol
  Yn ceisio Duw a'i hedd,
A gweled gânt i gyd ryw ddydd
  Ei siriol nefol wedd.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MC 8686]

  Rhan II - Dyrchefwch oll eich [pennau fry / pennau'n awr]
  Daear a'i chyflawnder yw
  Yr Arglwydd bïau'r ddaear lawr

(Psalm 24:1-6
The man who will reside in heaven)

To the Lord belongs the round earth,

  And every living creature;

On sea and flood he founded this

  As a dwelling for human kind.

There is a land that is better
    despite this above,
  And blessed evermore his privilege;
God, who shall dwell in thy house?
  Who shall ascend to thy saints?

The man who is pure of heart it is,
  With his hand always clean;
Who does not swear to deceive
    any of his kind,
  Who is meek, of lowly mind.

On him is a blessing to be distilled down
  By the King of earth and heaven;
Righteousness he shall get
    by the great Author
  Of his strong salavtion.

See here is the gracious generation
    which is
  Seeking God and his peace,
And to see they shall all get some day
  His cheerful, heavenly countenance.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
1 This spacious earth is all the Lord's,
    the Lord's her fullness is.
  The world, and they that dwell therein,
    by sov'reign right are his.

2 He framed and fixed it on the seas,
    and his Almighty hand
  Upon inconstant floods has made
    the stable fabric stand.

3 But for himself
      this Lord of all
    one chosen seat designed;
  O! who shall to that sacred hill
    desired admittance find!

4 The man whose hands and heart are pure,
    whose thoughts from pride are free;
  Who honest poverty
    to gainful perjury.

5 This, this is he, on whom the Lord
    shall show'r his blessings down,
  Who God his Saviour
      shall vouchsafe
    with righteousness to crown.

6 Such is the race of saints,
      by whom
    the sacred courts are trod;
  And such the proselytes that seek
    the face of Jacob's God.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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