Yr Arglwydd Dduw a wnaeth i ni

(Haelioni Duw)
Yr Arglwydd Dduw a wnaeth i ni
  Eleni yn haelionus;
Rhoi cnwd y ddaear,
    ac i'w drin
  Amserol hin gysurus.

Da iawn i ni yw Duw y nef,
  Rhaid addef; - moliant iddo!
Hwn oll i ni sy'n well na neb,
  Hawdd ateb heddyw eto.

O! caned pawb i'w enw pur;
  Ar bwys ein llafur llefwn;
Trugaredd fawr i ni a wnaeth;
  Am luniaeth, O! moliannwn.

I'r Duw sy'n rhoddi i ni'n rhad,
  O uniawn fwriad, fara,
Rhoed pawb i'n Porthwr mawr
    a'n Pen
  Hir lawen Haleluia.

Efe a all droi'r dryc-hin draw,
  Neu ŵgu trwy wlawogydd,
Neu ddanfon arnom wed'yn wynt,
  Yn gorwynt blin o gerydd.

Cydnabod ei awdurdod Ef,
  Ac addef nad dygwyddiad,
Y byddom ni, a boddio'n Naf
  Yn uchaf ein chwennychiad.

Clodfori Duw yn fawr, heb dwyll,
  Trwy nefol bwyll yn ufudd,
Y byddom oll o'n bodd, Amen,
  Yn llawen ein Pen-llywydd.

Hardd wên trugaredd
    ryfedd rad,
  Sŵn cariad sydd yn curo
Eleni'n rhyfedd yn yr hin,
  Yn hynod i'n dihuno.

Crëawdwr a Chynnaliwr byd,
  Yr ŷd, a phob rhyw radau,
Sy'n haeddu'r mawl, dragwyddawl gân,
  Gan bawb â glân galonau.

Moliannu Duw am lawn a da
  Yd bara ydyw'n bwriad,
A gwel'd eleni i ni ôl
 Ei hen ragorol gariad.

Nid sŵn ei t'rawo am ein drwg,
  Na sèn o'i ŵg
      sy'n agos;
Ond trugareddau nos a dydd,
  Aneirif, sydd yn aros.

Mae ffrwythau'n maesydd ymhob man,
  Yn d'weyd, mewn rhan, mai rhinwedd
Daioni Duw
    a'u ffrwythodd hwy,
  I'n lloni'n fwy na'r llynedd.

Mae'n un â natur ein Duw ni
  I roddi trugareddau,
Hyfrydwch mawr, i ddynolryw,
  Yn meddwl Duw yw maddeu.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The generosity of God)
The Lord God has made for us
  This year generous;
Giving the crop of the earth,
    and to treat it
  Comfortable, timely weather.

Very good to us is God the master,
  One must confess; - praise to him!
He of all to us is better than any,
  Easy to respond today again.

O let all sing his pure name!
  On account of our labour let us cry;
A great mercy for us he has made;
  For sustenance, O let us praise!

To the God who is giving to us freely,
  From an upright intention, bread,
Let all give to our great Feeder
    and our Head
  A long, joyful Hallelujah!

It is he who can turn yonder foul weather,
  Or frown through rain showers,
Or send upon us afterwards wind,
  As a grievous hurricane of chastisement.

Recognize His authority,
  And confess that it did not happen,
That for us, satisfy our Master was
  Our highest desire.

Extolling God greatly, sincerely,
  Through heavenly wisdom humbly,
We shall be all content, Amen,
  In the joy of our Governor.

The beautiful smile of the mercy
    of a free wonder,
This year a wonder in the weather,
  Notably to awaken us.

The Creator and Upholder of the world,
  The corn, and all kinds of favour,
Who deserves the praise, an eternal song,
  By everyone with pure hearts.

Praising God for full and good
  Bread corn is our intention,
And seeing this year for us the mark
  Of his old excellent love.

Not the sound of his beating for our evil,
  Nor the rebuke of his frown
      which is near;
But mercies night and day,
  Innumerable, which are near.

The fruits of the fields are everywhere,
  Saying, in part, that the virtue
Of the goodness of God
    who made them fruitful,
  To cheer us more than last year.

It is one with the nature of our God
  To give mercies,
Of great delight, to humankind,
  In the thought of God is to forgive.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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