Yr Arglwydd fendithiwn cydganwn ei glod

(Molwch yr Arglwydd)
Yr Arglwydd fendithiwn,
    cydganwn ei glod,
Ei enw fawrygwn
    tra byddwn yn bod:
  Cyhoeddwn ei haeddiant
      a'i foliant di-fai;
  Ei ras a'i ogoniant
      sy'n foroedd di-drai.

Yr Arglwydd ddyrchafwn,
    efe yw ein rhan,
Ac ynddo gobeithiwn,
    mae'n gymorth i'r gwan:
  Trwy'r ddaear a'r nefoedd
      ar gynnydd mae'r gân;
  Ei ras drwy yr oesoedd
      wna luoedd yn lân.

Yr Arglwydd a folwn,
    cysegrwn ein hoes
I'w garu, a gweithiwn
    dros grefydd y groes:
  Efe yw ein tarian,
      awn, awn yn ei nerth,
  Meddiannwn y Ganaan
      dragwyddol ei gwerth.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854-1938

Tôn []:
    Montgomery (c.1762 Magdalen Hospital Hymns)

(Praise the Lord)
The Lord whom we bless,
    let us chorus his praise,
His name which we magnify
    as long as we are being:
  Let us publish his merit
      and his faultless fame;
  His grace and his glory
      which are un-ebbing seas.

The Lord whom we exalt,
    he is our portion,
And in him let us hope,
    he is strength to the weak:
  Through the earth and the heavens
      on the increase is the song;
  His grace through the ages
      makes multitudes pure.

The Lord whom we praise,
    let us consecrate our life
To love him, and let us work
    for the faith of the cross:
  He is our shield,
      let us go, go in his strength,
  Let us possess the Canaan
      of eternal worth.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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