Yr Arglwydd nerthol sy'n teyrnasu

(Salm XCIII - Llywodraeth Duw)
Yr Arglwydd nerthol sy'n teyrnasu
  Mewn mawrhydi uwch y rhôd,
Ac yn gwisgo ardderchogrwydd,
  Uwch pob arglwydd sydd yn bod:
    Gwaith ei ddwylo
  Byth sydd yn egluro ei glod.

Mae'n teyrnasu yn y nefoedd,
  Cyn yr oesoedd oll erioed,
Cadarn sail i'r byd gosododd,
  Byth ni syflodd tan ei droed;
    Bydoedd prydferth
  Wrth ei air a'i nerth a roed.

Sicr iawn yw tystiolaethau
  Cadarn bynciau deddfau Duw,
Gwir sancteiddrwydd sydd yn gweddu
  I'r rhai fo'n ei dŷ am fyw;
    Braint ddigymar,
  Fwyaf ar y ddaear yw.
Thomas Williams (Eos [Gwynfa / y Mynydd]) c.1769-1848
Y Salmydd Cymreig 1856

Mesur: 878747]:

(Psalm 93 - The Government of God)
The strong Lord is reigning
  In majesty above the sky,
And clothed in excellence,
  Above every lord there is:
    The work of his hands
  Forever shall be making clear his praise.

He is reigning in the heavens,
  Ever before all the ages,
The firm foundation to the world he set,
  Never did it move under his feet;
    Beautiful worlds
  By his word and his strength he placed.

Very certain are the testimonies
  Of the firm points of the laws of God,
True holiness is befitting
  To those who would live in his house;
    An unequalled privilege,
  The greatest on the earth it is.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
1 With glory, clad, with strength arrayed, 
    the Lord, that o'er all nature reigns,
  The world's foundations strongly laid, 
    and the vast fabric still sustains. 

2 How surely 'stablished is thy throne,
    which shall no change or period see!
  For thou, O Lord, and thou alone,
    art God from all eternity. 

3 The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, 
    and toss the troubled waves on high;
4 But God above can still their noise,
    and make the angry sea comply. 

5 Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure,
    and they that in thy house would dwell,
  That happy station to secure,
    must still in holiness excel.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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