Yr Arglwydd o'i orseddfa fry

1a,3,4;  1b,2,3,4.
(SALM XI.4-7. -
Hollwybodaeth a chyfiawnder Duw)
Yr Arglwydd o'i orseddfa fry
  At ddynion try ei olwg:
Mae cyflwr pawb o tan y nef
  I'w lygaid Ef yn amlwg.

[Yr Arglwydd o'i orseddfa fry
   I lawr a dry ei olwg;
 Gweithredoedd holl hiliogaeth dyn
   I'w lygaid ydyn' amlwg.]

Mae'r Arglwydd o'r naturiaeth hon,
  Prawf gyfion er ymgeledd;
Ond atgas gan ei enaid yw
  Dyn drwg sy'n byw mewn trawsedd.

Ar bechaduriaid, marwor tân
  A brwmstan a ddaw'n gawod,
A gwynt ystormus uchel iawn -
  Dïaledd llawn am bechod.

Can's cyfiawn ydyw'r Arglwydd NER,
  Cyfiawnder mae'n ei garu;
A'i wyneb at yr uniawn try,
  A hyny i'w ymgeleddu.
at yr uniawn try :: at yr uniawn sydd
A hyny :: Bob dydd,

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MS 8787]: Elmdon (<1835)

(PSALM 11:4-7 -
God's omniscience and righteousness)
The Lord from his throne above
  To men turns his sight:
The condition of everyone under heaven is
  To His eyes evident.

[The Lord from his throne above
   To earth turns his sight:
 The activities of all the race of man
   To his eyes they are evident.]

The Lord is of this nature,
  The experience of the righteous for help;
But detestable to his soul is
  An evil man who is living in transgression.

On sinners, coals of fire
  And brimstone shall come as showers,
And a very high, stormy wind -
  A full retribution for sin.

Since righteous is the Sovereign LORD,
  Righteousness he does love;
And his face is towards the upright turns,
  And that to help him.
towards the upright turns :: towards the upright is
And that :: Every day,

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The Lord hath both a temple here
  and righteous throne above;
Where he surveys the foils of men,
  and how their counsels move.

[The Lord hath both a temple here
   and righteous throne above;
 Where he surveys the foils of men,
   and how their counsels move.]

If God, the righteous, whom he loves,
  for trial, does correct;
What must the sons of violence,
  whom he abhors, expect?

Snares, fire, and brimstone, on their heads
  shall in one tempest show'r;
This dreadful mixture his revenge
  into their cup shall pour.

The righteous Lord will righteous deeds
  with signal favour grace;
And to the uptight man disclose
  the brightness of his face.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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