Yr Arglwydd yn teyrnasu a fydd
Yr Arglwydd yn teyrnasu sydd

(Salm CXLVI - Brenin Seion)
Yr Arglwydd yn teyrnasu a fydd,
  Dy Dduw tragywydd, Seion;
O oes i oes
    pery dy lwydd:
  Molwch yr Arglwydd tirion.

Yr Hwn a wnaeth
    nef, daear, môr,
  A'r holl ystôr sydd ynddynt;
Ye Hwn a sai'n ei wir ei Hun,
  Pryd na bo un ohonynt.

Fy enaid molaf Arglwydd nef,
  Mi a'i molaf Ef i'm bywyd;
Dangosaf glod i'm Harglwydd Dduw
  Tra gallwyf fyw na symud.

           - - - - -

Yr Arglwydd yn teyrnasu sydd,
  Dy Dduw tragywydd Sïon;
O oes i oes
    pery dy lwydd,
  Molwch yr Arglwydd tirion.

Yr Arglwydd â'i
    ddeheulaw gref,
  Hwn a wnaeth nef a daear,
A roddo'i fendith lawn a'i ras,
  I Sïon, ddinas hawddgar.

Mawr iawn ei enw'n ninas Duw,
  A hynod yw yr Arglwydd;
Ei drigfan hyfryd yno sydd,
  Yn mynydd ei santeiddrwydd.

Dyweder hyn am Sïon bêr,
  Fe anwyd llawer ynddi;
Nid ambell un, can's cymhorth da
  Yw'r Duw goruchaf iddi.

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Hyfrydle (G W Hughes 1861-1941)
Morgannwg (hen alaw)
Rhuthyn (B M Williams 1832-1903)
Tregeiriog (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)
Treherbert (Hugh Hughes 1876-)

gwelir: Fy enaid mola'r Arglwydd nef

(Psalm 146 - The King of Zion)
The Lord shall reign,
  Thy eternal God, Zion;
From age to age
    thy prosperity will endure,
  Praise the tender Lord.

It is he who made
    heaven, earth, sea,
  And all the store that is in them;
It is he who shall stand in His own truth,
  When there shall be none of them.

My soul I shall praise the Lord of heaven,
  I shall praise Him for my life;
I will show esteem to my Lord God
  While ever I can life or move.

                - - - - -

The Lord is reigning,
  Thy eternal God, Zion;
From age to age thy
    prosperity will endure,
  Praise the tender Lord!

The Lord with his
    strong right hand,
  He who made heaven and earth,
Shall give his full blessing and his grace,
  To Zion, a beautiful city.

Very great his name in the city of God,
  And notable is the Lord;
His delightful dwelling is there,
  Yn the mountain of his holiness.

This is to be said about sweet Zion,
  Many were born in her;
Not the odd one, since a good help
  Is the most high God to her.

tr. 2016,17 Richard B Gillion
 1 O Praise the Lord, and thou, my soul
     forever bless his name;
 2 His wondrous love,
       while life shall last,
     my constant praise shall claim.

 6 The Lord, who made
       both heav'n and earth,
     and all that they contain,
   Will never quit his steadfast truth,
     nor make his promise vain.

10 The God that does in Zion dwell
     is our eternal King:
   From age to age his reign endures;
     let all his praises sing.

                - - - - -

 1 O Praise the Lord, and thou, my soul
     forever bless his name;
 2 His wondrous love,
       while life shall last,
     my constant praise shall claim.

 6 The Lord, who made
       both heav'n and earth,
     and all that they contain,
   Will never quit his steadfast truth,
     nor make his promise vain.

10 The God that does in Zion dwell
     is our eternal King:
   From age to age his reign endures;
     let all his praises sing.
 5 But still of Zion I'll aver,
    that many such from her proceed;
   Th' Almighty shall establish her:
 6  the gen'ral list shall show, when read,
     That such a person there was born,
     and such did such an age adorn.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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