Yr Arglwydd yw ngorfoledd i

1,2,3,4,(5);  1,2,5,4.
(Ymhyfrydu yn Nuw)
Yr Arglwydd yw ngorfoledd i,
  A'm pur ddaioni penaf;
Ac yn ei gariad Ef o hyd,
  Yn hyfryd llawenychaf.

Does dim mor hardd
    trwy'r ddaear hon
  A'm tirion Iesu grasol;
Tywyll yw'r holl gre'digaeth heb
  Ei bresenoldeb nefol.

Clôd, elw, a phleser,
    gwagedd y'nt,
  Fel ysgafn wynt neu gysgod:
Tangnefedd Duw yw ngolud i,
  A'm dirfawr fri di-ddarfod.

Mwynhau fy Nuw, a'i garu wna'
  Dros oesoedd tragwyddoldeb;
A gwledda yn y nefol ŵyl,
  Ar wên ei anwyl wyneb.

Pa bryd y caf, fy Mhrynwr cu,
  Dy garu 'n fil rhagorach;
A'th foli gyda'r santaidd hil,
  Ar leisiau fil melusach?
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tôn [MS 8787]: Elizabeth (R H Prichard 1811-87)

(Delighting in God)
The Lord is my joy,
  And my pure, chief goodness;
And in His love always,
  Delightfully I will rejoice.

There is nothing so beautiful
    throughout this earth
  As my tender, gracious Jesus;
Dark is the whole creation without
  His heavenly presence.

Esteem, profit, and pleasure, 
    emptiness they are,
  Like a light breeze or shadow:
The peace of God is my wealth,
  And my precious unending honour.

Enjoy my God, and love him I shall
  For the ages of eternity;
And feast in the heavenly festival,
  On the smile of his beloved face.

When shall I get, my dear Redeemer,
  To love thee a thousand times better;
And to praise thee with the holy race,
  With voices a thousand times sweeter?
tr. 2017,19 Richard B Gillion

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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