Yr Arglwydd yw fy ngoleu' gyd
Yr Arglwydd yw fy ngoleu i gyd
Yr Arglwydd yw 'ngoleuni' gyd

[1] Yr Arglwydd yw fy ngoleu' gyd,
  A'm hiechyd; rhag pwy'r ofnaf;
Yr Arglwydd yw nerth f'oes;
    am hyn,
  Rhag pwy doi dychryn arnaf?

[3] Ni ddoi ofn ar fy nghalon gu,
  Pe cyrchai llu i'm herbyn:
Pe codai câd yn y modd hwn,
  Mi ni wanffyddiwn ronyn.

[4a] Un arch a archais
    ar Dduw Naf,
  A hyny a archaf etto:
Cael dyfod i dŷ'r
    Arglwydd glân,
  A bod a'm trigfan ynddo.

[4b] I gael ymweled â'i deml deg,
  A hyfryd osteg ynddi,
Holl ddyddiau f'einioes: sef wyf gaeth
  O fawr hiraeth am dani.

[11] Duw, dysg i mi dy ffordd yn rhwydd,
   O herwydd fy ngelynion,
Ac arwain fi, o'th nawddol rad,
  Yn wasted ar yr union.

               - - - - -

[1] Yr Arglwydd yw 'ngoleuni' gyd,
  A'm hiechydwriaeth dirion;
Duw yw fy nerth - nid ofnaf oll
  Rhag gallu'm holl elynion?

[4a] Un arch a erchais
    ar Dduw Naf,
  A hyny a archaf eto:
Cael dyfod i dŷ'r
    Arglwydd glân,
  A bod â'm trigfan ynddo.

[4b]Caf yno roi fy nghŵyn
    o'th flaen,
  A'th degwch wela'i'n wastad;
A chlywed traethu d'w'llys gu,
  A chenadwri'th gariad.

[5] Pan ddel tymhestloedd
    - p'le ceir gwell? -
  Mae yno babell ddirgel,
Lle cuddia Duw ei blant bob un,
  A'u henaid sy'n ddiogel.

               - - - - -
[1],[4a],[8],[10],[11],[14];  [1],[8],[11],[14].
[1] Yr Arglwydd yw fy ngoleu i gyd,
  A'm hiechyd; rhag pwy'r ofnaf;
Yr Arglwydd yw nerth f'oes;
    am hyn,
  Rhag pwy doi dychryn arnaf?

[4a] Un arch a archais
    ar Dduw Naf,
  A hyny a archaf etto:
Cael dyfod i dŷ'r
    Arglwydd glân,
  A bod a'm trigfan ynddo.

[8] Fel hyn mae 'nghalon o'm mewn i,
  Yn holi ac yn ateb:
"Ceisiwch fy wyneb ar bob tro;"
  "Fy Nuw, 'rwy'n ceisio d'wyneb."

[10] Os gwrthyd fi fy nhad a'm mam
  A'm dinam gyfneseifiaid,
Ar Dduw gweddïaf; ef, er hyn,
  O'i ras a dderbyn f'enaid.

[11] Duw, dysg i mi dy ffordd yn rhwydd,
   O herwydd fy ngelynion,
Ac arwain fi, o'th nawddol rad,
  Yn wasted ar yr union.

[14] Disgwyl di wrth yr Arglwydd da,
   Ac ymgysura ynddo;
 Efe a nertha'th galon di
   Am hyny dysgwyl wrtho.
Disgwyl di :: Disgwylia

Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Abergwili (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Bodwnog (<1835)
Holstein (<1876)
Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln)
Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)

  Rhan II: Fel hyn mae 'nghalon o'm mewn i

[1] The Lord is all my light,
  And my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
  Of whom shall terror come upon me?

[3] Fear would not come upon my dear heart,
  If a host should gather against me:
If an army should rise in this manner,
  I would not mistrust one bit.

[4a] One request I have requested
    of the Lord God,
  And this I will request still:
To get to come to the house of the
    holy Lord,
  And have my dwelling in it.

[4b] To get to visit his fair temple,
  With a lovely silence in it,
All the days of my life: for I am captive
  To a great longing for it.

[11] God, teach me thy way freely,
  Because of my enemies,
And lead me, from thy protecting favour,
  Continually straight.

                     - - - - -

[1] The Lord is all my light,
  And my tender salvation;
God is my strength - I will not fear at all
  What can all my enemies do?

[4a] One request have I requested
    of the Lord God,
  And this I will request still:
To get to come to the house of the
    holy Lord,
  And have my dwelling in it.

[4b] There I may state my complaint
    before thee,
  And thy fairness will I see continually;
And hear the expounding of thy dear will,
  And the message of thy love.

[5] When tempests come
    - where can be found better? -
  There is there a secret tent,
Where God hides his children every one,
  And their souls are safe.

                     - - - - -
[1] The Lord is all my light,
  And my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
  Of whom shall terror come upon me?

[4a] One request have I requested
    of the Lord God,
  And this I will request still:
To get to come to the house of the
    holy Lord,
  And have my dwelling in it.

[8] Thus is my heart within me,
  Asking and answering:
"Seek ye my face at every turn;"
  "My God, I am seeking thy face."

[10] If my father and my mother reject me
  And me faultless my kinsmen,
To God I will pray; he, nevertheless,
  Of his grace will receive my soul.

[11] God, teach me thy way freely,
  Because of my enemies,
And lead me, from thy protecting favour,
  Continually straight.

[14] Wait thou on the good Lord,
   And take comfort in him;
 He will strengthen thy heart
   Therefore wait on him.

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

 1 Whom should I fear, since God to me
     is saving health and light?
   Since strongly he
       my life supports, 
     what can my soul affright.

 3 Through him my heart, undaunted, dares
     with num'rous hosts to cope;
   Through him in doubtful straits of war,
     for good success I hope.

 4 Henceforth within his house to dwell

     I earnestly desire,

   His wondrous beauty there to view,

     and his blest will enquire.

11 Instruct me in thy paths, O Lord,
     my ways directly guide;
   Lest envious men, who watch my steps,
     should see me tread aside.

              - - - - -

 1 Whom should I fear, since God to me
     is saving health and light?
   Since strongly he my life supports, 
     what can my soul affright.

 4 Henceforth within his house to dwell

     I earnestly desire,

   His wondrous beauty there to view,

     and his blest will enquire.

 5 For there may I
       with comfort rest,
     in times of deep distress;
   And safe as on a rock abide,
     in that secure recess.

              - - - - -
 1 Whom should I fear, since God to me
     is saving health and light?
   Since strongly he
       my life supports, 
     what can my soul affright.

 4 Henceforth within his house
       to dwell
     I earnestly desire,
   His wondrous beauty
       there to view,
     and his blest will enquire.

 8 When us to seek thy glorious face
     thou kindly dost advise;
   "Thy glorious face I'll always seek,"
     my grateful heart replies.

10 Though all my friends and nearest kin
     their helpless charge forsake,,
   Yet thou, whose love excels them all,
     wilt care and pity take.

11 Instruct me in thy paths, O Lord,
     my ways directly guide;
   Lest envious men, who watch my steps,
     should see me tread aside.

14 God's time with patient faith expect,
     and he'll inspire thy breast
   With inward strength; do thou thy part,
     and leave to him the rest.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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