Yr enaid hwn(n)w dedwydd yw (Na chyfrif Duw mo'i bechod)

Blest is the man supremely blest

(Salm XXXII - Pardwn rhad)
Yr enaid hwnw dedwydd yw,
  Na chyfrif Duw mo'i bechod;
Ond golchi'i wisgoedd ef a wnaed
  Yn sanctaidd waed
      y cymmod.

A dedwydd iawn tu hwnt i neb
  Yw'r enaid heb euogrwydd;
Sy'n rhydd oddiwrth ei ddyled mawr,
  Mae'n teimlo'n awr helaethrwydd.

Tra celais ddrwg fy nghyflwr gwael,
  Nid allais gael dim llonydd;
Dy lid a losgai dan fy mron,
  Nes llenwi hon â chystudd.

Ond pan addefai'm calon brudd
  Ei holl guddiedig bechod,
Dy ras faddeuodd im' fy mai,
  A selio wnai fy nghymmod.

             - - - - -

Yr enaid hwnw dedwydd yw,
  Na chyfrif Duw mo'i bechod;
Can's maddeu'i feiau ef a wnaed
  Trwy haeddiant
      waed y cymmod.

Dedwydd yn wir tuhwnt i neb
  Yw'r enaid heb euogrwydd,
A wnaed yn rhydd o'i ddyled fawr:
  Mae'n profi'n awr hapusrwydd.

Ei galon sy'n casâ pob twyll,
  A'i eiriau'n ddidwyll hynod;
Mae'n gwylio ar ei ffyrdd 'run wedd,
  I gadw hedd cydwybod.

Tra celais fy mhechodau mawr,
  Nid chefais awr o heddwch;
Dy lid a losgai dan fy mron,
  A'm calon oedd mewn tristwch.

Cyfaddef wneis, â calon brudd,
  Fy holl guddiedig bechod;
Dy ras waredodd f'enaid caeth,
  A selio wnai fy nghymod.

            - - - - -

Yr enaid hwnnw dedwydd yw
  Na chyfrif Duw mo'i bechod;
Can's golchi ei wisgoedd ef a wnaed
  Yn sanctaidd
      waed y cymmod.

Dedwydd yn wir, tu hwnt i neb
  Yw'r enaid heb euogrwydd,
A wnaed yn rhydd o'i ddyled mawr
  Mae'n profi gwawr hapusrwydd.

Mae'r enaid yn casau pob twyll,
  A'i eiriau'n ddidwyll hynod;
Ac ar ei ffyrdd mae'n gwylio'n wir
  I gadw clîr gydwybod.

Tra celais fy euogrwyrdd gwael,
  Nid ellais gael dim llonydd;
Dy lîd a losgai tan fy mron,
  Nes gwasgu hon gan gystudd.

Cyfaddef wnes, a chalon brudd
  Fy holl guddiedig bechod;
Dy ras gwaredodd f'enaid caeth
  A selio wnaeth fy nghymmod.
efel. John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)

(Psalm 32 - Free pardon)
That soul is happy,
  Whose sin God does not account;
But who washed his clothes
  In the sacred blood
      of the reconciliation.

And very happy beyond anyone
  Is the soul without guilt;
Who is free from his great debt,
  He feels now an abundance.

While I hid the evil of my bad condition,
  I could not get any peace;
Thy wrath was burning under my breast,
  Until this filled with grief.

But when my sad heart confessed
  All its hidden sin,
Thy grace forgave me my fault,
  And seal it did my reconciliation.

                - - - - -

That soul is happy,
  Whose sin God does not account;
Since forgive his sins he did
  Through the virtuous
      blood of reconciliation.

Happy truly beyond anyone
  Is the soul without guilt,
Who is made free from his great debt:
  He now experiences happiness.

His heart hates every deception,
  And his words are notably sincere;
He watches over his way likewise,
  To keep the peace of conscience.

When I hid my great sins,
  I got not an hour of peace;
Thy wrath would burn under my breast,
  And my heart was in sadness.

Confess I did, with a sad heart,
  All my hidden sin;
Thy grace delivered my captive soul,
  And seal it did my reconciliation.

                - - - - -

That soul is happy
  Whose sin God does not account;
Since wash his garments he did
  Through the sacred
      blood of reconciliation.

Happy truly, beyond anyone
  Is the soul without guilt,
That is made free of his great debt
  He is experiencing the dawn of happiness.

The soul hates every deception,
  And his words are notably sincere;
And over his ways he watches truly
  To keep a clear conscience.

While I hid my base guilt,
  I could not get any peace;
Thy wrath burned under my breast,
  Until this was squeezed by affliction.

Confess I did, with a sad heart
  All my hidden sin;
Thy grace delivered my captive soul
  And seal it did my reconciliation.
tr. 2018,21 Richard B Gillion
Blest is the man, supremely blest,
  Whose wickedness is all forgiven,
Who finds in Jesu's wounds his rest,
  And sees the smiling face of heaven.

Blest is the man, to whom his Lord
  No more imputes iniquity,
Whose spirit is by grace restored,
  From all the guile of Satan free.

But while through pride I held my tongue,
  Nor owned my helpless unbelief,
My bones were wasted all day long,
  My strength consumed with pining grief.

Resolved at last, to God, I cried,
  "My sins I will at large confess;
My shame I will no longer hide,
  My depth of desperate wickedness.

"All will I own unto my Lord,
  Without reserve, or cloaking art:"
I said; and felt the pardoning word,
  Thy mercy spoke it to my heart.

              - - - - -

Blest is the man, supremely blest,
  Whose wickedness is all forgiven,
Who finds in Jesu's wounds his rest,
  And sees the smiling
      face of heaven.

Blest is the man, to whom his Lord
  No more imputes iniquity,
Whose spirit is by grace restored,
  From all the guile of Satan free.

But while through pride I held my tongue,
  Nor owned my helpless unbelief,
My bones were wasted all day long,
  My strength consumed with pining grief.

Resolved at last, to God, I cried,
  "My sins I will at large confess;
My shame I will no longer hide,
  My depth of desperate wickedness.

"All will I own unto my Lord,
  Without reserve, or cloaking art:"
I said; and felt the pardoning word,
  Thy mercy spoke it to my heart.

              - - - - -

Blest is the man, supremely blest,
  Whose wickedness is all forgiven,
Who finds in Jesu's wounds his rest,
  And sees the smiling
      face of heaven.

Blest is the man, to whom his Lord
  No more imputes iniquity,
Whose spirit is by grace restored,
  From all the guile of Satan free.

But while through pride I held my tongue,
  Nor owned my helpless unbelief,
My bones were wasted all day long,
  My strength consumed with pining grief.

Resolved at last, to God, I cried,
  "My sins I will at large confess;
My shame I will no longer hide,
  My depth of desperate wickedness.

"All will I own unto my Lord,
  Without reserve, or cloaking art:"
I said; and felt the pardoning word,
  Thy mercy spoke it to my heart.
Charles Wesley 1707-88
Psalms and Hymns 1743

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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