Yr Hollalluog uchel Dduw

1,2,(3,4),5,6;  1,2,3,4,6.
(Creadigaeth, Rhagluniaeth, a Holl-bresenoldeb Duw.)
Yr Hollalluog, uchel Dduw,
  Wnaeth y mynyddoedd draw;
Fe daenai'r nefoedd, rhyfedd yw!
  Fforfafen wnaeth â'i law.

Dy ryfeddodau, Arglwydd mawr,
  I'w gwel'd yn mhob-man sy,
Wrth edrych ar y ddaear lawr,
  Ac ar y nefoedd fry.

'Does frigyn, na blodeuyn chwaith,
  Nad yw'n egluro'th glod;
Wrth drefniad d'orsedd,
    rhyfedd waith!
  Mae'r gwynt a'r gwlaw yn bod.

Mae'r creaduriaid aml eu rhi',
  Yn ddeiliaid d'ofal gwiw;
A pha le bynag 'r elom ni,
  Mae presennoldeb Duw.

Mae'n llenwi'r nefoedd fawr a'r byd,
  Llon'd uffern hefyd yw;
Ac ynddo ef yr ŷm i gyd
  Yn symud ac yn byw.

Anadlu yn ei awyr ef,
  A symud ar ei dir,
Byw ar rad roddion
    Brenin nef,
  Yr ydym oll yn wir.
John Hughes 1775-1854

Tôn [MC 8686]: Melody (<1835)

(The Creation, Provision, and Omnipresence of God.)
The Almighty, high God,
  Who made yonder mountains;
He spread the heavens, wonderful he is!
  A firmament he made with his hand.

Thy wonders, great Lord,
  Are to be seen in every place,
While looking on the earth below,
  And on the heavens above.

There is no twig, nor flower either,
  That does not display thy praise;
By the arrangement of thy throne,
    a wonderful work!
  The wind and the rain are existing.

The creatures of multitudinous number are
  Tenants of thy worthy care;
And wherever we go,
  There is the presence of God.

It fills the great heavens and the word,
  The fullness of hell also it is;
And in it we all are
  Moving and living.

Breathing in his air,
  And moving on his land,
Living on the free gifts
    of the King of heaven,
  Are we all truly.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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