Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes (Yw sylfaen f'enaid gwan)

Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes
  Yw sylfaen f'enaid gwan;
Wrth bwyso arno ddydd a nos
  'Rwyn disgwyl dod i'r làn.

Fy meiau trymion, luoedd maith,
  A waeddodd tua'r nen,
A dyna pam 'roedd rhaid i'm Duw
  Ddioddef ar y pren.

Hwy a'th fradychodd, anwyl Oen,
  Hwy oedd y goron ddrain,
Hwy oedd y fflangell greulon, gref,
  Hwy oedd yr hoelion main.

O maddau'm bai, a chliria'n llwyr
  F'euogrwydd oll i gyd;
Ac n'ad im' flino'th Ysbryd mwy
  Tra byddwyf yn y byd.
William Jones 1764-1822
priodolwyd hefyd i William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Felix (F Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
St James (R Courteville -1772)

  'Does neb ond Ef fy Iesu hardd
  Fy meiau trymion luoedd maith
  Mi welaf le mewn marwol glwy

The Ransom that was paid on the cross
  Is the foundation of my weak soul;
while leaning on him day and night
  I expect to come up.

My heavy faults, vast hosts,
  Have shouted to the sky,
And that is why my God had to
  Suffer on the tree.

'Tis they betrayed thee, beloved Lamb,
  They were the crown of thorns,
They were the strong, cruel scourge,
  They were the sharp nails.

O forgive my fault, and clear completely
  All my guilt altogether;
And do not let me grieve thy Spirit any more
  While ever I live in the world.
tr. 2009,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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