Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes (Drwy ddyoddef loes hyd angau)

(Y Cymod)
Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes,
  Drwy ddyoddef loes hyd angau,
Sydd yn cymodi euog ddyn
  A Duw ei hun, yn ddiau.

Mae bywyd i bechadur trist,
  Yn angau Crist yn unig,
Gwag yw'r ddyledswydd oreu ei llun
  At gadw dyn colledig.

Efe yw'r Iawn gerbron y Tad,
  A'r aberth rhad dros bechod:
Hwn ydyw'r gwerth, a dyma'r gwaed
  Trwy'r hwn y caed y cymod.

Fe safodd dan ein beiau i gyd
  Wrth ddyoddef ergyd angau;
Er iddo'n brudd ar waedlyd bren
  Ogwyddo ei ben dan boenau.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Gardd Eifion 1841

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Reconciliation)
The Satisfaction paid on the cross,
  Through the suffering of anguish until death,
Is reconciling guilty man
  And God himself, doubtlessly.

There is life for a sad sinner,
  In the death of Christ alone,
Empty is the best appearing duty
  Towards saving lost man.

He is the Satisfaction before the Father,
  And the free sacrifice for sin:
He is the worth, and here is the blood
  Through this was got the reconciliation.

He stood under all our faults
  While suffering the blow of death;
Although he was sad on the bloody tree
  He bowed his head under pains.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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