Yr Iesu atgyfododd (Yn fore'r trydydd dydd)

(Yr Iesu eto'n fyw)
Yr Iesu atgyfododd
  Yn fore'r trydydd dydd;
'N ôl talu'n llwyr ein dyled
  Y meichiau ddaeth yn rhydd:
Cyhoedder heddiw'r newydd
  I bob creadur byw,
Er marw ar Galfaria,
  Fod Iesu eto'n fyw.

Yr Iesu atgyfododd
  Mewn dwyfol dawel hedd;
Dymchwelodd garchar angau
  A drylliodd rwymau'r bedd;
Fe ddaeth ag agoriadau
  Holl feddau dynol-ryw
I fyny wrth ei wregys,
  Mae'r Iesu eto'n fyw.

Yr Iesu atgyfododd,
  Nid ofnwn angau mwy;
Daeth bywyd annherfynol
  O'i ddwyfol farwol glwy:
Datgenwch iachawdwriaeth
  Yn enw Iesu gwiw -
Mae'r ffordd yn rhydd i'r nefoedd,
  A'r Iesu eto'n fyw.
Thomas Levi 1825-1916

Tonau [7676D]:
Pen yr Yrfa (William James 1877-1964)
St Theodulph / Shiloh (Melchior Teschner 1584-1635)
Tal-y-llyn (alaw Gymreig)

(Jesus lives again)
Jesus arose
  On the morning of the third day;
After paying entirely our debt
  The surety became free:
Let the news be published today
  To every creature alive,
Although he died on Calvary,
  That Jesus is alive again.

Jesus arose
  In divine quiet peace;
He demolished the prison of death
  And shattered the bonds of the grave;
He brought the keys
  Of all the graves of humankind
Up at his belt,
  Jesus is alive again.

Jesus arose,
  We will not fear death any more;
Endless life came
  From his divine mortal wound:
Declare salvation
  In the name of worthy Jesus -
The way is easy to the heavens,
  And Jesus is alive again.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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