Yr Iôr o'i nefoedd raslawn

("Dywedwch mai Da fydd i'r Cyfiawn.")
  Yr Iôr o'i nefoedd raslawn
  A edwyn ffordd y cyfiawn,
A dweded dynion ym nhob man
  Mai da fydd
      rhan yr uniawn:
  Daioni a thrugaredd
  Fydd iddo yn ymgeledd;
A chaiff oleuni'r nef
    drwy'r byd
  I'w dywys hyd y diwedd.

  Pan ddêl cysgodau'r hwyrddydd
  Ei obaith ef ni ddiffydd;
Ac yn ei wedd wrth fynd i lawr
  Bydd golau'r wawr dragywydd.
  Pan ddryllir
      pyrth y beddau
  Fe ddring i'r uchelderau
Fel haul i'w daith
    drwy'r ŷybren faith
  Foregwaith heb gymylau.
John T Job 1867-1938
Y Goleuad 1922

Tôn [7787D]: Noddfa (J D Jones 1827-70)

("Say that it will be Good for the Righteous.")
  The Lord from his gracious heaven
  Shall recognize the way of the righteous,
And let men say in every place
  That good shall be the
      portion of the upright:
  Goodness and mercy
  Shall be his succour;
And he shall get the light of heaven
    throughout the world
  To lead him until the end.

  When the shadows of evening come
  His hope shall not extinguish;
And in his countenance on going down
  Shall be the light of the eternal dawn.
  When the portals of the
      graves are smashed
  He shall climb to the heights
Like the sun on its course
    through the vast sky
  One morning without clouds.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
("Tell the righteous it will be well with them." - Isa 3:10)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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