Yr olwg harddaf dan y nef

(Crefydd mewn ieuenctyd)
Yr olwg harddaf dan y nef
  Yw gwel'd ieuenctyd lu,
Yn codi'r groes a dilyn Crist,
  Yn llwybrau'r nefoedd fry.

Pob awr o oedi, ie'nctyd hardd,
  Awr dost golled yw;
Mwy gwerth yw crefydd bur
    na'r byd,
  Wrth farw ac wrth fyw.

           - - - - -

Yr olwg harddaf dan y nef
  Yw gweled ie'nctyd lu,
Yn codi'r groes a dilyn Crist,
  Yn llwybrau'r nefoedd fry.

Mae'n llon i weled llu o blant
  Pob un a'i dant yn dỳn,
Yn canu'n beraidd gyda blas,
  Am ras Calfaria fryn.

Eu hymffrost penaf beunydd yw
  Gair dwyfol Duw ei hun,
Maent oll o'i blaid
    fel milwyr da,
  A'u gyrfa yn gytun.
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Christiana (Wm Aubrey Powell)
    St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)

(Belief within youth)
The most beautiful sight under heaven
  Is to see a young host,
Taking up the cross and following Christ,
  In the paths of heaven above.

Every hour of delaying, beautiful youth,
  Is an hour of aching loss;
Of more worth is pure belief
    than the world,
  While dying and while living.

               - - - - -

The most beautiful sight under heaven
  Is seeing a young host,
Lifting the cross and following Christ,
  In the paths of heaven above.

It is cheering to see a host of children
  Every one with his string tight,
Singing sweetly with enthusiasm,
  About the grace of Calvary hill.

Their chief boast daily is
  The divine Word of God himself,
They are all on his side
    like good soldiers,
  With their throng in agreement.
tr. 2016,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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