Yr ydym yma yn dy ŵydd

(Bendith mewn Trallod)
Yr ydym yma yn dy ŵydd
  O! Arglwydd, danfon fendith,
Ac Ysbryd Crist, i'n helpu ni
  I'th geisio Di'n ddiragrith.

Y mae'n heneidiau gwan eu hwyl
  Yn chwennych disgwyl arnat;
Ti elli'n tynnu o'n holl ddrwg
  Trwy Grist - mae'n golwg atat.

Gwna'n dda bob gair addewaist Ti,
  Ac arnom ni disgleiria;
Ac i'th holl bobloedd danfon lwydd;
  I'r farn, O! Arglwydd, brysia.
Morgan Llwyd 1619-59

Tôn [MS 8787]: Cymundeb (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

(Blessing in Trouble)
We are here in thy presence
  O Lord, send a blessing!
And the Spirit of Christ, to help us
  To seek Thee without hypocrisy.

The souls of weak mirth are
  Longing to wait upon thee;
Thou canst take away all our evil
  Through Christ - he is looking to thee.

Make good every word Thou hast promised,
  And upon us shine thou;
And to all thy peoples send prosperity;
  To the judgment, O Lord, hurry!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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