Ysbryd grasol tywallt Di

Gracious Spirit Dove divine

Ysbryd grasol! tywallt Di
Dy oleuni arnom ni:
  Maddeu'n beiau, lledda'n cur,
  Llanw ni â'th gariad pur.
Gwrando arnom, O ein Duw!
Arch i'r trist bechadur fyw:
  At yr Oen cyfeiria'n traed,
  Golch ni yn ei werthfawr waed.

    Ysbryd grasol! tywallt Di
    Dy oleuni arnom ni:
      Maddeu'n beiau, lledda'n cur,
      Llanw ni â'th gariad pur.

Pan yn teithio'r ddaear hon,
Esmwythâ'r flinderus fron:
  Dyro'th wenau ar y daith,
  Fel y canom yn dy waith,
O warcheidiol Ysbryd mawr!
Arwain ni rhag crwydro'n awn:
  Dwg ni fry heb boen na briw,
  Atat Ti a'r Oen i fyw.
cyf. Aaron Morgan
Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897

Tôn [7777T]: Ysbryd Grasol tywallt Di
    (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

Gracious Spirit, pour Thou
Thy light upon us!
  Forgive our faults, soothe our wound,
  Fill us with thy pure love.
Listen to us, O our God!
Command the sad sinner to live:
  To the Lamb direct our feet,
  Wash us in his precious blood.

    Gracious Spirit, pour Thou
    Thy light upon us!
      Forgive our faults, soothe our wound,
      Fill us with thy pure love.

When travelling this earth,
Ease the grieving breast:
  Give thy smile upon the journey,
  That we may sing in thy work,
O great guarding Spirit,
Guide us lest we go astray!
  Lead us up without pain or bruise,
  Towards Thee and the Lamb to live.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Gracious Spirit, Dove divine,
Let thy light around us shine;
  All our guilty fears remove,
  Fill us with thy peace and love.
Pardon to the contrite give,
Bid the wounded sinner live;
  Lead us to the Lamb of God,
  Wash us in his precious blood.

    Gracious Spirit, Dove divine,
    Let thy light around us shine;
      All our guilty fears remove,
      Fill us with thy peace and love.

Earnest thou of heavenly rest.
Comfort every troubled breast;
  Life and joy to all impart,
  Sanctifying, Lord, each heart,
Guardian Spirit, lest we stray,
Keep us in our heavenly way;
  Bring us to thy courts above,
  Realm of light and endless love.
John Stocker

Tune [7777T]: Ysbryd Grasol tywallt Di
    (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

Tune [7777]: Mercy (1867 L M Gottschalk 1829-69)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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