Ysbryd grymus yr addewid Ti dywelltaist oddi fry Ddoniau gras o Bren y Bywyd Ar dy weision yn dy dŷ: Deiniol yntau ufuddhaodd Fel yr Apostolion gynt, Allan aeth, a'th ras a'i nerthodd Ar ei efengylaidd hynt. Llusern ydoedd yn goleuo Yn y nos gaddugol, ddu, A'r tywyllwch dudew rhagddo Ffodd gan ei oleuni cu; Croes ei Grist a blannodd yma, Tŷ a adeiladodd ef - Tŷ a ddaeth yn ddinas noddfa Glyd i bererinion nef. Deiniol Sant, a garodd Gymru, Erys dy ddylanwad byw; Heddiw eto, deisyf drosti Gyda'th blant wrth allor Duw: Eriol ar i Iôr y nefoedd Lenwi'r tŷ â'r Ysbryd Glân, A bedyddio'r holl ardaloedd Â'r tafodau byw o dân.John Davies (Isfryn) 1861-1948
Tonau [8787D]: |
Strong Spirit of the promise Thou didst pour out from above Gifts of grace from the Tree of Life Upon thy servants in thy house: Deiniol himself obeyed Like the Apostles formerly, Out he went, with thy grace that strengthened him On his evangelistic career. He was a lantern shining In the thick, black night, And the pitch black darkness which from it Was made to flee by his dear light; The cross of his Christ was planted here, The house he built - The house which became a secure City of refuge for heaven's pilgrims. Saint Deiniol, who loved Wales, Thy living influence remains; Today still, pray for her With thy children at God's altar: Petition the Lord of heaven To fill the house with the Holy Spirit, And baptise all the regions With the living tongues of fire.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |