Yspryd Sanctaidd gwrando

(Holy Spirit hear us)

Yspryd Sanctaidd, gwrando,
  Cynnorthwya'n cān;
Pār fod yn ein moliant
  Yspryd pur a glān.
Ysbryd Sanctaidd, nertha
  Ni, tra'n plygu glin,
I ymgrymu'n isel
  Ger Dy fron bob un.

Yspryd Sanctaidd, dysg ni
  Oll, i garu'r gwir;
Gwna ni fel yr Iesu,
  'N addfwyn ac yn bur:
Ysbryd Sanctaidd, nertha
  Ni, lle bynnag awn,
Fyth bob drwg i ochel,
  Ac i fyw yn iawn.
cyf. R J Jones
Caniedydd yr Ysgol Sul 1899

Tōn [6565D]: Yspryd Sanctaidd gwrando
  (Moses Owen Jones 1842-1908)

Holy Spirit, listen to us,
  Help our song;
Cause there to be in our praise
  A pure and clean spirit.
Holy Spirit, strengthen
  Us, while bending a knee,
To bow low
  Before Thee every one

Holy Spirit, teach us
  All, to love the truth;
Make us like Jesus,
  Gentle and pure:
Holy Spirit, strengthen
  Us, wherever we go,
Forever every evil to avoid,
  And to live aright.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Holy Spirit, hear us;
  Help us while we sing;
Breathe into the music
  Of the praise we bring.

Holy Spirit, prompt us
  When we kneel to pray;
Nearer come and teach us
  What we ought to say.

Holy Spirit, give us
  Each a lowly mind;
Make us more like Jesus,
  Gentle, pure, and kind.

Holy Spirit, help us
  Daily by Thy might,
What is wrong to conquer
  And to choose the right.
1880 William Henry Parker 1845-1929

Tunes [6565D]:
Ernstein (1879 James Frederick Swift 1847-1931
Goethe (anonymous)

Tune [6565]: North Coates
  (1862 Timothy Richard Matthews 1826-1910)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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