Afon redodd tan dy galon

Afon redodd tan dy galon,
  Lifeiriol fawr o ddwr a gwa'd,
Ynddi golchwyd pechaduriaid
  Mwyaf welwyd oll yn rhad;
    Fel y lili,
  Gwedi cānu yn dy wa'd.

Dyma'r Ffynon fawr agorwyd
  I dŷ Ddafydd oll yn rhad,
Sydd yn golchi ffiaidd feiau
  Yr oll etholedig had;
    Rho i minau,
  Ynddi gael fy llwyr lanhau.

Llu o bechaduriaid aflan
  Olchwyd ynddi cyn fy mod,
Pur rinweddol fyth yn para,
  Fel y funyd gynta' erio'd;
    De'wch y cleifion,
  Oll i'r Ffynnon gael iachâd.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo, 1764.

Tonau [878747]:
Helmsley (Select Hymns 1765)
Mariners (alaw Italaidd)
Painswick (<1825)
Partiality (<1825)

gwelir: Ffyddlon gyfaill pechaduriaid

A river ran under thy heart,
  Greatly streaming with water and blood,
In it the greatest sinners seen
  Were all washed freely;
    Like the lily,
  Having been bleached in thy blood.

Here is the great Fount that was opened
  For the house of David all freely,
Which is washing the detestable faults
  Of all the chosen seen;
    Grant me also,
  In it to get my complete cleansing.

A host of unclean sinners
  Were washed in it before I was,
Pure, virtuous, forever enduring,
  Like the first ever minute;
    Come, ye wounded,
  All to the Fount to get healing.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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